ntulk (ntulk)
2025-02-26 09:43:44114/3/2(日)上午因計中更新校園骨幹網路設備韌體,圖書館服務影響範圍
The backbone network firmware update on March 2nd, 2025 (Sun.) from 7:00 AM
to 11:30 AM, affecting library services.
Due to the Computer and Information Networking Center updating backbone
network firmware on the morning of March 2nd, 2025 (Sun.), The Computer and
Information Networking Center’s service (7:00 AM~8:30 AM) and library
services (10:00 AM~11:30 AM) will be temporarily suspended. Library services
will be affected as follows: Non-NTU websites (connecting from NTU Library),
non-NTU databases (connecting from NTU Library), off-campus connections
(VPN), checking personal borrowing records, online reservations and renewals,
space reservations, closed stacks retrieval requests, E-payment, thesis
submission, mobile library cards, digital alumni cards, etc. Please use your
physical NTU ID card to enter and exit the library during the update. We
appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
社會科學院圖書館 敬啟
Koo Chen-Fu Memorial Library