Re: [問題] 兩個Router接同一條網路

作者: sophiacccc (simple beauty)   2010-10-30 20:01:23
果然兩個Router互相干擾而且打架了. 但是我對網管外行 Orz.. 不好意思再請教一下
(1) 主 中華電信 Modem-Router Dlink DSL-5540C (無wireless)
(2) 副 美國買的 D-link WBR-1310 (有wireless)
我去下載了Manual 請看第12頁:
Connect to Another Router
If you are connecting the D-Link router to another router to use as a
wireless access point and/or switch, you will have to do the following before
connecting the router to your network:
‧ Disable UPnP™
‧ Disable DHCP
‧ Change the LAN IP address to an available address on your network. The LAN
ports on the router cannot accept a DHCP address from your other router.
To connect to another router, please follow the steps below:
1. Plug the power into the router. Connect one of your computers to the
router (LAN port) using an Ethernet cable. Make sure your IP address on the
computer is (where xxx is between 2 and 254). Please see the
Networking Basics section for more information. If you need to change the
settings, write down your existing settings before making any changes. In
most cases, your computer should be set to receive an IP address
automatically in which case you will not have to do anything to your computer.
2. Open a web browser and enter and press Enter. When the
login window appears, set the user name to admin and leave the password box
empty. Click OK to continue.
3. Click on Advanced and then click Advanced Network. Uncheck the Enable UPnP
checkbox. Click Save Settings to continue.
4. Click Setup and then click Network Settings. Uncheck the Enable DHCP
Server server checkbox. Click Save Settings to continue.
5. Under Router Settings, enter an available IP address and the subnet mask
of your network. Click Save Settings to save your settings. Use this new IP
address to access the configuration utility of the router in the future.
Close the browser and change your computer's IP settings back to the
original values as in Step 1.
Connect to Another Router
Router assign IP address. 所以兩個 Router 接同一個 Network
會使電腦無法辨識確切的IP. 造成困惑無法運行. 一台電腦只能有一個Router
做法: (1)要求中華電信Disable 主Modem-Router的 Router功能
僅用 副Wireless-Router 做Router
=>這個我不考慮因為副Router去除Wan也只有四個Lan Port. 不夠五個人用
(2)不用接副Router直接去光華商場買個Wireless Switch接主Modem-Router
問題: 敝人以為應該是可以解決conflict的問題才是
打中華電信Technician則是有的一問三不知,好像在唬爛裝懂的 = =
啥呀...到底Dlink techinician講的對不對? 我看完Manual以後很懷疑他是不是太武斷吶...
明明Manual那頁開宗明義就是在教我們設兩個Router on the same Network.
其他的我都照Manual做都會了. 就紅色標那段不知道IP怎麼設.
有沒有資工系的高手可以請教一下? 應該沒有那麼難吧. Technician的說法我真的覺得
很奇怪 = =+
不好意思對於網管真的外行不懂,如果知道的話請指點一下。感恩 ^^
※ 引述《Keelungman (金坷拉是新世界的神)》之銘言:
: 0. 找找那個要當client mode的router有沒有 "uplink" 按鈕?
: 有的話按下去就設定好了, 直接變client mode不用再設定下面的部分
: 1. 要當client mode的router開機, 先只跟一台電腦連
: 2. 電腦瀏覽器網址打192.168.0.1, 可開啟router控制畫面
: 3. 去做你文中的設定
: 4. 把這個router拿去接對外的那個router, 應該就大功告成
: 5. 日後若要把client mode的router變回來, 直接按下機器上的 default 或 reset
: ※ 引述《sophiacccc (simple beauty)》之銘言:
: : 前面的都沒問題,就以下這兩點技術上是不是能指導一下?
: : 2. Check / change IP address - Most home network routers use a default IP
: : address setting. Often, these default IP addresses will not work in a two
: : router environment. Check the second router's IP address value and reset it
: : if necessary to work within the valid address range of the first router (and
: : to not conflict with any other device on the network).
: : Google到 Dlink Router IP:
: : 不過請問一下黃線的地方要怎麼化作實際步驟操作?
: : 講得好像有點籠統? 還是就是以下所指示的?
: : 3. Disable DHCP - To avoid IP address conflicts between all of the devices on
: : the home network, only one of your two routers should assign addresses via
: : DHCP. All mainstream routers provide an option to disable DHCP as part of the
: : router's configuration screens.
: : 然後,應該是到 Router IP address 後就會有畫面選項出現吧?
: : ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ 明天要去樓下設Router,如果有高手有經驗,拜託指點一下。
: : 如果明天有操作上的錯誤或問題,可否再問一下? 抱歉占用版面了 = =||
作者: Keelungman (金坷拉是新世界的神)   2009-01-01 08:05:00
有點複雜的狀況, 最好找人到現場幫忙弄...
作者: sophiacccc (simple beauty)   2009-01-01 08:08:00
要找誰呢 ~_~ 我剛回來沒有認識什麼人...不然就是要花錢請做網路的來幫我們弄 Orz...

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