[全台] 印尼餐廳資料寫手 (誠徵印尼僑生或懂印尼文的相關人士)

作者: elishay (silence)   2010-10-14 14:07:12
※ [本文轉錄自 part-time 看板 #1CjciLzJ ]
作者: elishay (silence) 看板: part-time
標題: [全台] 印尼餐廳資料寫手 (誠徵印尼僑生或懂印尼文的相關人士)
時間: Thu Oct 14 10:29:33 2010
============================ 發 文 注 意 事 項 ==========================
詳見此網頁,不再提醒 http://blog.roodo.com/part_time/archives/13669447.html
→ 每週工作需排滿十二小時,時段可自行規劃。 / 12hrs. per week
詳見此網頁,不再提醒 http://blog.roodo.com/part_time/archives/13669485.html
→ 每篇文章(100~200字)新台幣80元 / 80 NTD per 100~200 word passage
→ 每個月的五號 / Payment will be made on the 5th of each month
→ 寫手家裡或可自己找方便地方 / Home-based or any place that is convenient for the writer
→ 工作內容:
1. 印尼文為母語,能靈活運用者為佳。
2. 英語流利者,更佳。
3. 具寫手經驗、文章雜誌編輯者,撰文能力佳者尤佳。
4. 若喜歡吃美食,對印尼當地美食有相當了解者,歡迎投地履歷。
Job Description:
We're looking for part-time writers to help compose short Indonesian passages for restaurants in Indonesia.
Passages will most likely include restaurant decor, food speciality and anything that is unique to the restaurant.
We are looking for:
1. Must be able to write Indonesian. Indonesian native speaker preferred.
2. Can comprehend English is a plus.
3. Experience with magazine or publishing writing also a plus.
4. Enjoys eating Indonesian cuisine and have a working knowledge of Indonesian cuisine desired.
詳見此網頁,不再提醒 http://blog.roodo.com/part_time/archives/13679255.html
→[email protected]
蔡小姐 + 0955224788
→ 是



◎面試時間: 請給定日期、時間

◎受訓時間: 受訓期間仍要支薪且時薪不得低於九五

→ 10月30日
  (資方徵到人請改標題或是通知應徵者 多多體諒勞方等待心情)
作者: imhaohao (浩浩)   2010-10-16 02:11:00
vina and EVA= =

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