Yankees ace Gerrit Cole will be out at least one-to-two months and will head to
Los Angeles for an appointment with noted sports surgeon Dr. Neal ElAttrache, Th
e Post has learned.
Several Yankees doctors and ElAttrache have viewed Cole’s preliminary film, and
while none has detected a tear in his ulnar collateral ligament, there’s enoug
h concern about the ligament that ElAttrache has suggested an in-person visit.
Word is that the defending AL Cy Young Award winner will be out for an “extende
d period,” although for now, the hope and belief is that Cole has a chance to r
eturn sometime in May or early June
The initial readings of Cole earlier in the week were optimistic, with the belie
f the issue could be resolved with rest and other conservative treatments, but E
lAttrache has recommended more testing, raising the level of worry