※ 引述《waityuh (沉潛修鍊自己)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《chyin (挖..想念大家...)》之銘言:
: : 挖....原來大家都差不多...哀哀...
: : 我也是....累ㄉ像條狗一樣....快不行嚕....
: : 哀優...事情怎會那多ㄚ...
: : 我ㄉ媽呀...
: Me too...too many credits...too many quizes...
: I miss the wonderful days in New York...
: Hey, everybody, "how are you?"
: Sophie
I have the same problem and also my home work is killing me~~~~
I know the days never come again but the memory is still vivid and is still
This memory will last long and forever...