Alexkun (漢之雲)
2011-11-30 12:03:11Dear Honorable NYU Alumni,
Time flies and it’s almost the end of 2011 already!
Instead of throwing a big party, let’s have a small cozy gathering in the lovely TPE city, talk about what’s on your 2012 wish list (could be like losing weight, company go on IPO or whatever U can think of ….through the public announcement , U will be drived to achieve n share in 2013! ) and shed some recent news from NYU alumni!! Or simply just come and chill!!! J
So please mark on your calendar, RSVP ASAP and here is the detail,
Time: 2011 Dec. 8 (Thurs.) 6PM to 9:20PM (BR4 Sogo will close on 9:30PM)
Location: Sogo Department Store Fushin Branch 7F Cafe Kitchen
(忠孝復興捷運站正上方 BR4 Sogo百貨7F Cafe Kitchen)
Fee: RSVP by Dec. 5 (Mon.) midnight :
600 – 100 for early bird registration= NT$500 (NT$100 Courtesy from NYU Alumni Society)
RSVP after Dec. 5 :NT$600
Walk in : NT$ 700
Only 30 seats are available, pls RSVP ASAP through the following link, thank you!
RSVP here:
Your attendance is greatly appreciated and showing your support to
NYU Taiwan Alumni Society! Thank you!
2011. Dec. 8 (四) PM6:00 NYU Alumni Gathering
親愛的NYU校友, 台北紐約大學校友會將於12/08 (四) 晚上6點於 SOGO BR4 7F Cafe Kitchen 餐廳舉辦NYU校友小聚餐, 誠摯的敬邀各位校友及貴賓一同參與, 一起來與舊朋友敘舊, 認識新朋友並分享2012大家的新希望 ! 當天晚上除了會有各位前輩參加, 我們的新上任會長更鼓勵各位會友的參加,特別資助12/5前報名的會員100元餐費,手腳慢就沒有囉 ! 走過, 經過, 千萬不要錯過 !
日期及時間 Date&Time: 2011/12/8 (四) 18:00~21:20 (因Sogo BR4 9:30打烊,請大家盡量準時)
位置 Location; 台北市忠孝東路三段300號7樓 SOGO BR4 7F Cafe Kitchen (即忠孝復興捷運站正上方)
餐廳資訊 Restaurant; http://www.zoe-grp.com/ckn/ckn_003_11.htm#MENU
交通資訊 Direction:http://www.sogo.com.tw/Service/Transport/03
費用 Cost:RSVP by 12/5(一) midnight : 600 - 100 = NT$500 (每人成本為NT$600, Courtesy from 會長)
12/5後 RSVP: NT$600
Walk in : NTD$700
由於場地容納名額只有30名,請大家儘早報名,以免向隅;報名時間以Google Spread sheet的時間戳記為準