bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2018-09-29 20:34:44I gave up crying I gave up waiting \^*^/
I gave up dreaming optimistic dreams ◢◢◥█◣
Ripped out my feathers Cracked up my beak ●▊⊙⊙▲】 Freed my screams
Your spores cling onto my skin ◣◣︿◢【
Powdery snow cleared up my sins ◣◣ 介 ◢◢ Project Mili
Through my pores ▲)♀ ▲▄ - Mushrooms
Tiny fibers sprout out ◆L︻︻ ◆
Grow into stems and caps ◢ ● ◣ ▲\▼ ▲ ◢ ● ◣
All the mushrooms looked at me !∵∴! !/ \﹨ !∵∴! Looked at me
All the mushrooms surround me JJ ▕ ▏ ▕ \ ▏ ㄐㄐ Surround me
作 者:[email protected]