dearmgo (蜓)
2017-12-28 21:38:30哈囉~大家好
因為他是美國人,所以我代po :)
有興趣的歡迎聯絡我或他: )
感謝大家 ~
Do you work in a hospital?
Hello, my name is Chris and I am an American MBA student here in Taiwan
studying at National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) in Kaohsiung.
Under the supervision of a Professor at NSYSU, I'm doing research about
superstitions in Taiwanese hospitals! For example, some nurses believe in not
eating mangoes because it might make them busier.
I would like to interview about 15 people. I'm located in Kaohsiung, but I
would be willing to come to your city for a day depending on our schedules.
The interviews would take around 30 minutes to one hour. Everything is 100%
confidential – I have an ethics form to protect your identity.
If work in a hospital in Taiwan then I would love to hear from you. I am
interested in talking to nurses and other medical professionals such as
doctors, health administration, or people in management in the healthcare
You will need to:
- have at least one year experience working in a hospital in Taiwan
- speak English (Everything will be done in English)
I am also an English teacher – so this would be a great chance for you to
practice having a conversation in English!
If you are interested in meeting for an interview – please let me know. I
would like to conduct interviews in January 2018.
If you're interested being interviewed then please let me know. I'm hoping
to do interviews in the first two weeks of January 2018.
You can message me here on Facebook, or send me an e-mail at
[email protected]