軟體:Excel 版本:2013 各位板上的大大下午好。承上篇 CopyFrom...當機的問題。 首先感謝Soyoso大大的指導幾本上ADO Open當機的問題已經解決了。 但是我把當資料取回來之後發現品名這個欄位只要有中文字就會變成空白 其他的欄位縱使有中文字也不會有問題。 下方是我的程式碼。 ADO在透過網芳取得資料這一塊好像有問題。本機都可以運作的很好。 ============Notice頁面====== Private Sub DueDateCrossing_Click() Dim MS As String 'SQL command Dim WBPath As String ' Workbook Path Dim N As Integer 'To fetch data of N days later, N must smaller than 31 Dim D As Date ' D is refered to Date Dim TM As Integer ' TM is refered to this month Dim DueDate As Date 'DueDate is refered to DueDate Dim DueDateS As String D = Date TM = Month(D) N = 7 DueDate = DateAdd("d", N, D) DueDateS = "#" & DueDate & "#" 'The symbol "#" is required by date formate. WBPath = "D:\desktop\2019生產管制表.xlsx" MS = "SELECT * From [" & TM & "月$a:q]" & _ " WHERE 預交日期=" & DueDateS GetData MS, WBPath End Sub ==================Sub Module========= Sub GetData(MS As String, WBPath As String) 'This sub is used to fetch data from produciton schedule. On Error Resume Next Dim MC As String 'MC is refered to My Connection Dim MR As ADODB.Recordset 'MR is refered to My Recordset MC = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & WBPath & ";" & _ "Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;" Set MR = New ADODB.Recordset MR.Open MS, MC, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly Worksheets("Notice").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset MR End Sub ========================================== 原始資料 https://imgur.com/zVUKxAU ADO取得的資料 https://imgur.com/NuLslBV 懇請高手指導,感謝。