YYHung (歪歪轟)
2017-08-24 18:09:38http://www.finfin.de/index_e.htm
6 Worlds (Taiwan):
On the map:
RIGHT ARROW To the adjustment of the sensibility microphone
(and/or Smartsensor)
[change the sensitivity settings with ENTER, back to the
map with LEFT ARROW]
LEFT ARROW visit the Lemo pack overview
(Lemos are fruits, with which you can feed FinFin)
[open a new lemo package with O, back to the map with
TAB (left beside Q) choose a stone (location)
ENTER or UP ARROW select the choosen location
ESC or Q quit the program
F activate/deactivate auto tracking and zoom
(the programm will select automatically FinFin's position,
and the "camera" will follow FinFin with a closeup.
Both don't work in fullscreen-mode.
However, did you start FinFin directly with the teoboot.exe,
at least the auto tracking will work)
In the worlds:
1 "amu-amu" (FinFin's say this often when they are in a good mood)
2 "pô-pô" (seems to be used from FinFin's as a greeting like "good day")
3 "kû-kû" (is been used from FinFin's when they want to convince someone
[to ask for something])
4 "mên-mên" (FinFin's seem to say this when they a bit lonely)
5 "pû-nii" (FinFin's say this when they are tired and exhausted)
B Bioscan on/off
TAB change bio-scan readings
S take s snapshot of FinFin
(it will be saved in the "Snapshot"-fold)
W whisle to call FinFin, but it’s only working if fin fin wants
to come.
DOWN ARROW back to the map
Amile Forest: offer a lemo fruit to FinFin
(lemocolors are sequenced)
Lemo Valley: use the Neuro-drum
(a sort of a drum)
Nest: FinFin-noise to scare away
probably the "Gminfly"
ESC quit the program
F activate/deactivate auto tracking and zoom
(the programm will select automatically FinFin's position,
and the "camera" will follow FinFin with a closeup.
Both don't work in fullscreen-mode.
However, did you start FinFin directly with the teoboot.exe,
at least the auto tracking will work)
1、2、3、4、5 會出現FIN FIN的小Baby叫聲
空白鍵(1) 在「亞米羅森林」,可餵食「愛樂蒙果實」
空白鍵(1) 在「FIN FIN的家」,有特別的功能喔!
W 呼叫FIN FIN,功能與「口笛」相同
F(1) 在任何畫面,會自動跟隨FIN FIN
F(2) 在FIN FIN出現的場景,有放大、縮小的功能。
S 拍照
B 心情探測器,綠色格子愈多,表示該屬性質愈高。
Esc 結束通訊
Tab(1) 在主畫面,切換場景
Tab(2) 在場景內,切換「心情探測器」狀態。
Enter(1) 在「TEO天線」畫面時,設定天線的靈敏度。
Enter(2) 從「地圖」進入「場景」
↑ 從「地圖」進入「場景」
↓ 從「場景」回到「地圖」
← → 在「地圖選單」可進入「愛樂蒙袋」檢查果實數量及進入「TEO天線」設定天線的
O 在「愛樂蒙袋」畫面,可重新開啟一包愛樂蒙果實
Happiness 快樂指數(愈高愈好)
Fear 恐懼指數(愈低愈好)
Hunger 飢餓指數(若要餵食FIN FIN需等到綠色全滿,FIN FIN才有可能吃您餵食的食物)
Thirst 口渴指數
Fatigue 疲倦指數
Temperature 溫度指數
Friendliness 友善指數(愈高愈好)
Sleepiness 想睡指數