Release 20190314 安裝OpenRA 等於3種 Red Alert、Tiberian Dawn、Dune 2000 下載(支援Windows、MacOS、Linux、FreeBSD) 本體安裝完 還有資料、音樂檔要網路安裝 新增功能、修bug、增加單人任務 The most exciting change in this release comes from a complete overhaul of the unit targeting logic, which fixes many long-standing bugs and introduces some important improvements to gameplay fluidity: Tanks and other turreted units automatically target nearby units while moving Automatic targeting now properly accounts for the Fog of War Force-firing with long-range artillery style units targets the ground, allowing attacks to continue when vision is lost under the Fog of War The specialised infantry in Red Alert have had a shake-down and a fix-up: Engineers are now consumed when capturing buildings, after a short external wait The Hijacker has been promoted to thief, who can steal cash from refineries as well as vehicles Allied Mechanics now repair destroyed team-mate vehicles instead of capturing them New Attack Dog behaviour resolves many issues and behaves more like the original game Thanks to the hard work of several new contributors, Red Alert now features an additional seven single-player missions, and Tiberian Dawn another two. Behind the scenes, the underlying AI framework has been rewritten to support the development of some long-planned improvements in future releases.