※ 引述《sandows (不要想太多)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《sandows (不要想太多)》之銘言:
: : Hello,
: : I understand you apply for graduate admission at UCD on hydrology.
: : I wonder whether you have fellowship to come to the USA or you need
: : financial support from the faculty members at UCD. I will be interested
: : in communicating with you on your admission.
: : Minghua
: : 等我回來在續PO
: Dear Professor Zhang:
: Thank you for your interesting in me.
: Neither is my study was supported by government agencies or private
: foundations.Indeed, I need financial support from the faculty members
: at UC Davis.
: I am pleased to communicate with you.
: Sincerely yours,
: Yu-Chun Kao