[情報] OneRepublic取消五月在俄國舉辦的演唱會

作者: HarunaOno (Scandal最高)   2022-03-02 09:49:15
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the cancelation of our upcoming may
shows in russia . We miss our fans there & understand they are not the cause f
or the war in ukraine , but we are no longer capable of playing these dates .
Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of ukraine . We have performed in
kyiv & absolutely love the people and spirit there . Our prayer is that this s
pirit will not be broken . War is ugly in every shape and form , and our wish
is for the immediate de - escalation of this atrocity in ukraine . Stay safe e
veryone .
我們懷著沉重的心情宣布取消五月將在俄羅斯舉行的表演。 我們想念我們的俄國粉絲並
能夠理解他們不是造成烏俄戰爭的原因,但我們在這些日子裡,不再能夠演出。 我們的
思念和祈禱與烏克蘭人民同在。 我們在基輔表演過,絕對熱愛那裡的人民和精神。 我們
的祈禱是那種不會被破壞的精神。 戰爭在各種情況下都是醜陋的,我們希望對烏克蘭的這
種暴行立即降級。 希望每個人都保持安全。

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