縮網址: GosuGamers舉辦的Overwatch年度票選 這裡只有獎項跟進入票選的名單 如果要看詳細的內容跟投票請點網址 年度最佳戰隊 Team of the Year Cloud9 Lunatic-Hai Misfits Rogue South Korea's World Cup team Team EnVyUs Honorable Mention - Ninjas in Pyjamas 年度最佳攻擊手 DPS Player of the Year ShaDowBurn (FaZe Clan.) Taimou (Team EnVyUs) EscA (Lunatic-Hai) TviQ (Misfits) Surefour (Cloud9) SoOn (Rogue) Honorable Mention - zappis (Ninjas in Pyjamas) 年度最佳坦克 Tank Player of the Year Miro (Lunatic-Hai) hymzi (Ninjas in Pyjamas) cocco (Team EnVyUs) Reinforce (Misfits) ryb (Cloud9) KyKy (Cloud9) Honorable Mention - FCTFCTN (FaZe Clan.) 年度最佳輔助 Support Player of the Year uNKOE (Rogue) Hidan (Luminosity) Adam (Cloud9) harryhook (Team EnVyUs) chipshajen (Team EnVyUs) ryujehong (Lunatic-Hai) Honorable Mention - Roolf (Cloud9) 最佳精彩表現 Best Competitive Play Mickie's D.Va bomb at APEX Miro is everywhere SoOn's Pulsebomb at the OW Open finals Stealthy Seagull as Genji on Lijang Taimou's APEX Apocalypse Zunba's Surprise Zarya Honorable Mention - Classic Hanzo Cheese 年度最佳對戰 Match of the Year DH Winter Grand Finals (Misfits - Fnatic) ESL Atlantic Showdown Semi-Finals (Team EnVyUs - Rogue) GosuGamers NA Weekly #18 (LW Red - Team Solo Mitt) MLG Vegas Semi-Finals (FaZe Clan. - Fnatic) Overwatch Open EU Finals (Misfits - Rogue) Overwatch Open NA Group B (Cloud9 - Method) 年度最佳競賽 Event of the Year APAC Premier DreamHack Winter ESL Atlantic Showdown OGN APEX League Season 1 Overwatch Open Overwatch World Cup Honorable Mention - MLG Vegas 最佳主播 Best Play-By-Play Caster Mitch "Uber" Leslie Erik "DoA" Lonnquist Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez Matt "Mr X" Morello Andrew "ZP" Rush Leigh "Deman" Smith Honorable Mention - AskJoshy and Fishstix 最佳賽評 Best Color/Analysis Jason Kaplan Robert "Hexagrams" Kirkbride Chris "HuK" Loranger Christopher "MonteCristo" Mykles Matt "Flame" Rodriguez Steven "Ster" Serge 年度META Meta King of the Year BeyBlade God Comp Hide and Go Seek "The Mercy Meta" Orbital Destruction TripleTank Widowmaker Honorable Mention - "El Presidente" protect-the-Bastion compositions 年度抓馬 Drama of the Year Code7 player history MSI MGA No Maps Drafts Sombra ARG ThighGate Tracer Butt Honorable Mention - Hacking 年度對抗 Rivalry of the Year Blizzard vs Pro Players East vs West Endemic vs Crossover talent EnVyUs vs LANs EU vs EU in NA REUNITED vs Finals 最值得期待戰隊 Most Promising Team for 2017 Immortals Kingdom eSports KongDoo Panthera Luminosity LW Red Rise Nation 年度話題製造者 Content Creator of the Year CaptainPlanet flame MOONMOON OneAmongstMany OverwatchCentral UnitLost Honorable Mention - NRG Seagull 年度事件 Story of the Year Blizzcon 2016 Deman solo-cast on no notice Embrace of Hero Limit Misfits/Rogue/Luminosity player trades Official release of Overwatch Seagull handshake 只是看到覺得有趣所以轉過來 中文是憑意思大概翻的 有誤還煩請告知