比賽時間 6/5 00:00(官方直播時間 7:00)
直播網址 https://www.twitch.tv/overwatchcontenders
賽事資訊 https://www.overwatchcontenders.com/
https://goo.gl/f0VMDY (Liquipedia)
https://goo.gl/TJ3mqS (Handbook)
賽 制 資格賽 BO3 單敗淘汰賽
參賽隊伍 https://www.overwatchcontenders.com/teams
Immortals ──┐2
Virtue ──┘0 │
Tempo Storm ──┐2 │ │
└──┘0 │
Rødgrød med fløde ──┘0 │
Midnight Sucks ──┐1 │ │
┌──┐2 │ │
Counter Logic Gaming ──┘2 │ │ │
└──┘0 │
Kelvin and the Chipmunks ──┐2 │ │
└──┘0 │
Straight Outta Comp Queue ──┘0 │
└ Immortals
Toronto Esports ──┐2 │
└──┐2 │
Magnolia ──┘0 │ │
└──┐2 │
Team Liquid ──┐2 │ │ │
└──┘0 │ │
Sensei Esports ──┘0 │ │
EnVision eSports ──┐2 │
└──┐0 │
NRG Esports ──┘0 │ │
TwistedSin ──┐0 │
Hammers Esports ──┘2
5th、6th、7th Place Match
Tempo Storm ──┐2
└── Qualified
Kelvin and the Chipmunks ──┘0
Team Liquid ──┐1
┌── Qualified
EnVision eSports ──┘2
Kelvin and the Chipmunks ──┐0
┌── Qualified
Team Liquid ──┘2