AmosYang (泛用人型編碼器)
2014-10-22 13:19:47Disclaimer:
* Yes, I do work for Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
* No, I do NOT speak for Blizzard AT ALL.
* All information provided in this post is based on my personal
knowledge and opinions, for your convenience; it does NOT
represent Blizzard AT ALL.
今天在暴雪於 UCLA career fair 的攤位幫忙站場子,整理出的 FAQ
的 "NEW GRAD OPPORTUNITIES" 是今年的新措施;許多入門等級的
剩下的,我懶得翻成中文了,將就著看吧 XD
Q: Does Blizzard offer internship positions for summer 2015?
A: Yes. The current plan is to post all open internship positions
on http://jobs.blizzard.com/ by Nov. 1. The application deadline
is Jan 31.
Q: What type of internship positions are offered?
A: The official list should be posted on http://jobs.blizzard.com/
by Nov. 1; however, you could expect positions in Business
Intelligence, Engineering (automation, game design, game
development (audio, graphics, cinematic, AI, ... etc. everything
you can think of in Computer Science)), infrastructure (Battle.net,
IT), ... Basically if it has something, anything to do with
game production, chances are we probably will offer internship
opportunities for it; but it varies from year to year because
not every team would always sponsor the same positions.
Q: Do you hire / offer internship to {first, second, third, fourth}
year*{undergraduate, master}*{Computer Science, non-Computer
Science} students?
A: If you have the right skill sets, experiences plus passion
and motivation for the job, we don't care whether you are
a {first, second, third, fourth} year*{undergraduate, master}
*{Computer Science, non-Computer Science} student.
Q: What is it like to work at Blizzard? Do you have a dress code?
Do you guys do lots of overtime?
A: Awesome and fun. Not sure about HR & finance & any other customer-facing
types of job; for engineers, it is *casual*, and I mean really
*casual*; to put it in another way: No one cares.
About overtime, yes and no. Usually most teams understand
that overtime can never be a healthy trend, so they avoid
it. However, there will be situations that require it