不好意思 借用版面問一個有點蠢的問題。小弟也是第一年當稅務居民。
而且目前住的地方離Local IRS office蠻遠的,
所以打算寄護照影本, F2 visa影本, 跟W7+1040去Austin申請今年的退稅。
我仔細讀了最新版 W-7 instruction 關於certified copy 的規定:
You can submit copies of original documents if you do any of the
- Have the copies certified by the issuing agency.
- Have the officers at U.S. Embassies and Consulates overseas provide
certification and authentication services.
Certified copies. A certified document is one that the original
issuing agency provides and certifies as an exact copy of the
original document and contains an official stamped seal from the
1. 請問各位有經驗的大大,是否 護照 & visa 影本 請公證人notarize不行了?
2. 請問F2 visa 必須到哪裡申請certified copy呢?
3. 請問若我決定寄護照影本,需要再寄額外的文件影本來證明
我太太的foreign status嗎?
先謝謝熱心大大的回應了! 感謝