Re: [北美] TSMC North America 徵才

作者: boy1010 (不要再Q我了 QQ)   2018-11-03 03:16:54
我們主要是做ARM CPU的implementation & testchip.
主要是要用先進製程來看能讓ARM CPU的PPA到什麼程度
也會evaluate一些open source的IP,像RISC-V & NVDLA.
※ 引述《boy1010 (不要再Q我了 QQ)》之銘言:
: Hi,
: 我們team在找人,傾向找2年以上經驗(2~10yr)的ASIC FE engineer.
: New Grad 也會考慮,如果hiring manager覺得領域及態度符合的話。
: 有意願請站內信。
: Linkedin link:
: Job description
: Job Location: San Jose, California
: Report To: Manager, Test Chip System Design
: Responsibilities:
: Experience with complete ASIC or standard product implementation flow from
: RTL synthesis, design planning, timing analysis / closure, and design
: integrity checking through tape-out
: Requires proficiency with the design tools / flows tcl/perl development
: Desired Skills and Experience
: Requirements:
: Education:
: Master Degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science with 2+ years
: ASIC implementation and tape-out experience.
: This position requires thorough knowledge of the ASIC design flow, FE and
: Design verification, synthesis, scripting and netlist generation. The ideal
: candidate will have the following background:
: At least 2+ year experience in ASIC design flow
: Consistent record of RTL design and timing closure on large complex designs
: Expertise in:
: SOC IP integration and RTL Design for performance, low area, and low power
: FE production synthesis and static timing analysis.
: ASIC design flow and netlist flow checks – Synthesis, CDC, Logical
: Equivalence
: UPF flow for power islands as well as voltage islands
: Design interfacing to PD for floorplan and timing closure
: Self-Driven, highly motivated, highly organized, and schedule driven is a must
: Familiarity with DFT and backend related methodology and tools is a plus
: TSMC Technology is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
作者: Roy75117 (優酪乳)   2018-11-03 07:36:00
作者: fushing (fushing)   2018-11-03 08:14:00
員工的H1B不是要公司申請嗎? 所以前提為什麼是要有H1B身分
作者: umum29 (....)   2018-11-03 09:04:00
作者: bluebluelan (新陰流大目錄免許皆傳)   2018-11-03 09:32:00
因為TSMC NA沒限定只收台灣人吧 要有H1b才能transfer啊? 當然要先有H1B
作者: cityport (馬路不平避震故障)   2018-11-03 11:29:00
新進員工就用E?? 是想讓台GG進USCIS的雷達嗎?H1B抽到核准後就跟著員工..下一個雇主不用再重抽最好是能談到OPT直衝綠卡
作者: MIKEmike07 (加油!)   2018-11-03 12:56:00
要求h1b很正常啊 就像你跳槽一樣希望你有opt/h1b一樣道理啊 哪裡有問題了
作者: fushing (fushing)   2018-11-03 18:54:00
沒問題啊 但是我的確很少聽過大公司要自帶H1B的
作者: note35 (kir)   2018-11-03 20:42:00
作者: fushing (fushing)   2018-11-03 21:17:00
遇過幾位台灣公司派來的拿E簽證 待差不多2年就走了e簽也要公司給你申到h1b後才能辦身份不過有看到e簽是"申請人要保證身份到期一定回國"但可不限次數的申請延期" 照這樣看拿e簽也不能轉h1b吧? 實際上拿e在美國工作的台灣人有聽過最多待幾年嗎?
作者: mindykao (咪咪)   2018-11-04 03:09:00
作者: Dontco (東摳)   2018-11-04 11:48:00
台積有內轉美國啊 不過都是私下主管問 不會開在系統裡

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