whyder (漫長的博士夢)
2019-02-14 04:55:33※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1SP87102 ]
作者: whyder () 看板: studyabroad
標題: [情報] 徵波士頓Boston暑期付費實習intern
時間: Thu Feb 14 04:44:42 2019
我們公司是10年的一個研究型小公司 主要都是接軍方的案
我在找暑期實習 需要是學生 不一定是要是波士頓學校
因為是軍方項目 所以必須是綠卡或公民身分 >< 啊啊啊超煩
Summer Intern, Jun – Aug 2019
($20-30/hr, based on the experience and performance)
Full time or Part time. (Flexible schedule)
1. Mechanical designer:
An immediate job opening for one qualified student who has good hands-on
experience on mechanical designs using tools such as SolidWorks or AutoCAD.
2. RF and Microwave engineer:
Looking for candidates with backgrounds on Computational Methods in
Electromagnetic. Comsol and HFSS experience is a huge plus!
3. Engineer:
Looking for candidates with backgrounds on electrical, mechanical,
material engineering, experimental solid-state physics, material science.
Labview experience is a huge plus!
[email protected]