wbm 2022-08-03 11:15:49工作職缺代PO如下:
公司:Formosa Plastics Corp.
地點:Point Comfort Plant, Texas
學歷要求:BS or MS degree. Chemical engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemi
stry, Materials Science Engineering, Physics
Job description: The objective of an engineer is to manufacture the highest q
uality product in the most efficient and economic manner. The process engineer
also initiates and develops new processes, modifies and improves existing pro
cesses, obtains, compiles, and monitors plant operating data to determine effi
ciency and cost effects, and troubleshoots problems in order to optimize plant
1. If the applicant doesn’t have US citizenship or green card, the applicant
will first work for an Engineering firm as a Contract Engineer for a couple of
years before converting to a Formosa employee.
2. The applicant should have either OPT or H1b visa.
3. The Engineering firm sponsors H1b Visa application after OPT.
4. Multiple job opening.
Contact persons:
Kevin Chen
[email protected]