Re: [情報] RX480公版爆出溢吃電 PCIE抽電峰值155w

作者: powyo (光子郎)   2016-06-30 15:41:50
1) The RX 480 meets the bar for PCIe compliance testing with PCI-SIG.
//edit: and interop with PCI Express.
This is not just our internal testing. I think that should be made very clear.
Obviously there are a few GPUs exhibiting anomalous behavior, and we've been in
touch with these reviewers for a few days to better understand their test
configurations to see how this could be possible.
這裡大概是說Rx480有通過PCI-SIG的測試 但是還是有些個案出問題
瞭解他們怎麼測試的 來釐清這些問題 (大概就是打官腔)
2) Update #2 made by the OP is confused. There is a difference between ASIC
power, which is what ONLY THE GPU CONSUMES
(110W), and total graphics power (TGP), which is what the entire graphics card
uses (150W). There has been no change in the spec, so I would ask that
incorrect information stop being disseminated as "fact." We will have more on
this topic soon as we investigate, but it's worth reminding people that only a
very small number of hundreds of RX 480 reviews worldwide encountered this
issue. Clearly that makes it aberrant, rather than the rule, and we're working
to get that number down to zero. UPDATE 9
第二段好像是說 你們誤解GPU的功耗(110W)跟單卡的功耗(150W)了
(TDP還要加上記憶體跟板子跟功耗 之類的 有點看不懂QQ)
然後說超抽的那些只是個案而已(綠色那段) 我們會努力讓這些個案降為0
我只把重點翻譯出來 有錯請指教..
作者: k03004748549 (蜆)   2016-06-30 16:12:00
不用換了 省一筆
作者: michaelchen1 (麥克麥克)   2016-06-30 16:13:00
作者: detective14r (波波)   2016-06-30 16:17:00
搞成這樣大超特超的480也不過跟980差不多然後賣個11k-12k CP何在?8+6的480 可能要買之前還要看一下自己的砲瓦夠不夠
作者: notmuchmoney (真的不錯....)   2016-06-30 16:41:00
如果14nm比較便宜 那GF真的虧錢還被嫌到臭頭A家架構也不太行吧
作者: DANTEINFERNO (DANTE)   2016-06-30 17:28:00

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