comipa (綾崎若èœå®¶å¾¡ç”¨)
2016-10-23 16:11:42※ 引述《California (Bittersweet)》之銘言:
Windows 8 Compatibility: The DPC latency utility runs on Windows 8 but does
not show correct values. The output suggests that the Windows 8 kernel
performs badly and introduces a constant latency of one millisecond, which is
not the case in practice. DPCs in the Windows 8 kernel behave identical to
Windows 7. The utility produces incorrect results because the implementation
of kernel timers has changed in Windows 8, which causes a side effect with
the measuring algorithm used by the utility. Thesycon is working on a new
version of the DPC latency utility and will make it available on this site as
soon as it is finished.
DPC Latency Checker for Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows
Vista x64, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows XP, Windows
XP x64, Windows 2000
: 原本興高采烈的從RX480換成Y購超特價的MSI 1070 GAMING X
: 結果玩NBA2K17 GOW4 古墓崛起等遊戲
: 發現畫面光影變漂亮沒錯
: 但怎麼卡頓情況變很嚴重
: 查了網路上才發現1070部分會遇到DPC問題
: 測試結果供參考
: http://imgur.com/a/SvOOq
: 試過DDU清除後安裝數版驅動都沒效
: NVIDIA電源管理也改了
: 難道我跟NVIDIA犯沖??
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: 用沒一個月就壞...
: 下張華碩STRIX O8G如果來還是這樣
: 只好回RX480或470的懷抱了...
: 我也不願意這樣QQ
: 有版友有解決辦法嗎?謝謝
: 再補一張
: http://imgur.com/a/2oXtb
: 最高到3007...