Sid Meier's Civilization® VI 文明帝國6
H.264 content playback may experience playback issues on internet browsers
with hardware acceleration when also running gaming applications or content.
Radeon R9 Fury Series products may experience minor graphical corruption in
Titanfall™2 when inside a titan.
R9 Fury家族顯卡在跑巨人掉下來可能會發生死當的問題也解決惹
A few game titles may fail to launch, experience performance issues or crash
if the third party application "Raptr" has its game overlay enabled. A
workaround is to disable the overlay if this is experienced.
白話文:Raptr早就被我們唾棄到爛而且放生惹 我們懶得修 請自己把它移除掉
DOOM™ DOTA™2 may experience a crash when launched using the Vulkan™ API on some
Graphics Core Next products.
DOOM和DOTA2在用 Vulkan™ API的時候可能會崩潰 我480蠻幸運到時還沒遇過拉
Flickering may be experience while playing Overwatch™ in the main menu or
viewing character models using AMD CrossFire mode.
恩....如果你錢多玩的是CF多卡 那你在玩OW的時候要小心 可能會卡住
FIFA 17™ may experience an application hang or black screen on launch for
some select Hybrid Graphics or AMD PowerXpress mobile configurations.
FIFA 17在搭配AMD顯卡的筆電可能會掛彩
H.264 content may experience blocky corruption when streaming using P2P
content players on some Radeon RX 400 series graphics products
RX 400系列的卡用P2P的軟體撥放H.264時可能會死當?
(這我不懂 樓下翻一下 不過我記得也是老問題了 之前沒遇過的這版也不會有事)
A卡驅動最近更新好勤阿 值得讚許拉
我現在就來更新 樓下你跟不跟?