[情報] 匿名主板廠解釋為什麼AM4主機板這麼少?

作者: KotoriCute (Lovelive!)   2017-03-11 09:39:30
“It’s all about the bad coordination, bad communication, bad support and
bad timing to launch this platform in my opinion. With all these issues, none
of us could start manufacture the boards sooner. Also, in January and
February, all board vendors’ production lines were occupied with Intel 200
series boards before Chinese New Year and tried to ship as much boards as we
can to ensure we won’t have stock issues while Asia was on New Year vacation.
In late December, AMD decided to pull in the launch date (it was scheduled to
launch in late Q2) and launched it right after Chinese New Year but AMD keep
the CPU supply quantity secret from us the whole time. They only shared the
data 2 weeks before the launch, we didn’t understand why they were doing it.
Also, their BIOS team and engineers were doing terrible jobs on supporting us
on the BIOS microcode updates, driver updates, CPU samples for testing. They
have done nothing they should have been doing to support the launch platform
partners and always delay or give no response on support requests. We were
all having huge issues to debug with limited AMD resource support including
validating the parts, and fixing the memory clock speed that is all limited
by AMD.
In general, it’s been too long for AMD to launch a new CPU, so they forgot
how to do it, so they launched the CPU just like they were launching the
graphics card. They didn’t care about the platform eco-system, so the
eco-system is suffering and stock is delayed.
We are flying in new batches every 3 days to try to fulfill the back orders
ASAP, so they should be all back in stock soon. With all the board reviews
released, per Newegg and Amazon, the AMD memory limitation issue is slowing
down the sales though.
We need your help to feedback that to AMD as well on their supports issues.”
– Anonymous Motherboard Manufacture
作者: DANTEINFERNO (DANTE)   2017-03-11 09:42:00
TL;DR:都是they的錯 我只想賣intel的板子有沒有人能猜一下是哪一家啊?這間優先跳過我也覺得是石頭 看來大家意見一致@@連cpu出多少貨都不知道 amd火力展示都不只一個月了很明顯沒理amd的資訊啊幹我居然還買石頭板子 還換了兩張zzzzz
作者: AJizzInPants (阿基師在褲子裡)   2017-03-11 10:04:00
amd沒有給到應有的支援 怪不得板子包一堆看板上開箱很多記憶體問題 希望快點修正算了一下要把平台換成ryzen要20k左右希望amd能讓我花這筆錢
作者: DANTEINFERNO (DANTE)   2017-03-11 10:08:00
板廠就靠cpu廠在過活 人家沒給你資訊要自己去要啊不去要人家也沒給不就代表你不想賣了嗎三大廠只剩小星星惹 另外兩間都曾有奇葩自己出來吸引炮火RD可能很單純的認為大家把錯誤回報給他 他可以快點修好 殊不知事實是竟然敢搞全民公測石頭還能出formula和extreme G牌旗艦還沒看到 小星星的xpower已經是旗艦了剛剛去看了一下biostar的x370gt7感覺不錯啊還duo bios怎麼不在台灣賣QQ我就是看了這個人更新了5803便磚一張喔呵呵呵呵呵

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