zzahoward (Cheshire Cat)
2020-03-08 17:07:05Tim Sweeny Twitter:
Epic is wholeheartedly supporting NVIDIA’s GeForce NOW service with Fortnite
and with Epic Games Store titles that choose to participate (including
exclusives), and we’ll be improving the integration over time.
Epic Games將會用Fortnite和Epic Games商店選擇參加的商品
竭誠的支持NV的Geforce Now服務(包括獨佔系列)
"It's the most developer-friendly and publisher-friendly of the major
streaming services, with zero tax on game revenue. Game companies who want to
move the game industry towards a healthier state for everyone should be
supporting this kind of service!
"Cloud streaming services will also be key players in ending the iOS and
Google Play payment monopolies and their 30 per cent taxes," he added. "Apple
has decreed that these services aren't allowed to exist on iOS, and therefore
aren't allowed to compete, which is megalomaniacal and won't stand.
"Just waiting till later this year when Google is lobbying against Apple for
blocking Stadia from iOS, while Google blocks GeForce NOW, xCloud, and
Fortnite from Google Play, and this whole rotten structure begins collapsing
in on itself," he concluded.
Geforce Now不管對於發行商或開發商都是最友善的服務,因為Geforce Now不抽稅
一邊又禁止xCloud/Geforce Now/Fortnite上架
他認為Google和Apple這種腐爛的行為將會因為Geforce Now而逐漸式微
心得: 在Activision Blizzard和Bethesda開槍以後,2K games昨天也宣布退出
但Epic Games將全力支持老黃GeForce Now!
究竟Epic Games的支持在社群中是正向還是負向呢?XDDDDDD
風向會不會變呢? 當Activision Blizzard和Bethesda開始發難的時候
(但Activision Blizzard其實是Geforce Now Beta時期最早的伙伴之一....)
當Hinterland Studio也退出的時候,逐漸有一些聲音認為好像不單純
現在Geforce Now獲得Epic力挺,真的蠻有趣的XDDDD