來源 https://bit.ly/2XB4r8u 原文作者表示自己的第一顆SF 600用了三個禮拜故障 第二顆使用約莫一個禮拜又再一次故障 jonnyGURU (海盜PSU設計總監) 也在下面回復了這個討論串 @jonnyGURU SF600 Gold also affected? Yep. That sounds like the problematic lot code range. 194448 to 201148 lot codes have been problematic (to say the least). The lot code I specified, which is where your two PSUs fall, had a known issue with the insulator between the diode and heatsink tearing causing the diode to short against the heatsink. SF600也受影響 至少 194448 ~ 201148 批號都有問題 之前狼大有翻譯故障原因 推 wolflsi : 一次側APFC二極體的絕緣導熱墊出問題導致高壓短路05/11 13:30 總監也在其他文章說明這不可能破壞電腦其他組件 http://www.jonnyguru.com/forums/showthread.php?17455-SF750-batch-failure/page5 Like I've already said in this thread, the failure is on the PFC diode. There's no risk to damaging the rest of the PC's hardware. 附贈一個海盜PSU測試圖片(? http://jongerow.com/images/plugged-in.jpg