oopFoo (3d)
2021-12-10 15:01:26※ 引述《oppoR20 (發情豹紋)》之銘言:
: Intel談CPU研發:別太關注工藝 新工藝沒提高多少性能
: https://news.mydrivers.com/1/801/801693.htm
: —
: 對於CPU處理器來說,很多人都非常關注使用的製程,過去幾年中Intel因為長期使用14nm製
: 程被玩家吐槽多年,今年桌面處理器也終於上了Intel 7製程(之前名字是10nm),12代酷
: 睿Alder Lake的表現很不錯。
: 雖然Intle已經靠著新製程翻身了,性能及能效表現不輸友商的7nm銳龍,不過他們表示大家
: 不要太過關注新製程,因為新技術也不一定能帶來多大的性能提升。
: 日前在瑞銀會議上,Intel副總裁Sandra Rivera表示,開發新的處理器及架構時,它們與特
: 定光刻製程的關係沒有那麼重要。
: Sandra Rivera稱開發一款新的處理器至少要兩年多時間,只有在設計階段的最後部分才會
: 考慮製造製程,而新製程並不會帶來顯著的性能提升,從這點上來說大家太過關注新製程沒
: 什麼必要。
But there are tiles and chiplets are part of the solution that may not meet
the latest process technology and where we can benefit from capacity from
external foundry. We make those decisions following that tick-up model that
we've had historically where we will want to be consistent, perhaps with some
of those tiles, we don't need to change them or redesign them to a new
process technology because that's not where the big performance increase is
going to come from. And so we look out in time. We are designing our products
two years ahead and in some cases longer in terms of the IPs. But it doesn't
mean that we're double investing, it just means that we take a look at the
overall architecture and the construct of the product that we want to build
and then make decisions on with the different IP, the different tiles in
terms of the foundry process. So it does take, of course, foresight and
planning because silicon development are long and expensive campaigns. And so
you are looking at time. But it's not a dual drive strategy, meaning that we
don't have parallel teams working on the same IP on different process