MySQL server error report:Array ( [0] => Array ( [message] =>
MySQL Query Error ) [1] => Array ( [sql] => INSERT INTO `twbio_
db`.`twbio_stats` ( ip_address, visit_times, browser, system,
language, area, referer_domain, referer_path, access_url, access_
time) VALUES ('', '3', 'Unknow browser', 'Windows NT',
'zh-TW', 'LAN', '', '', '/index.php', '1529400272') ) [2] => Array
( [error] => Table '.\twbio_db\twbio_stats' is marked as crashed
and should be repaired ) [3] => Array ( [errno] => 145 ) )
可能不小心按到設定跑掉了! 現在網站上不去 , 請益要如何解?
看起來這系統是 Windows NT
Index. Php 帳號是 1529400272 ?
twbio_DB = twbio database
twbio_stats = twbio 的狀態?
( [error] => Table '.\twbio_db\twbio_stats' is marked as crashed
and should be repaired ) [3] => Array ( [errno] => 145 ) )
錯誤=表單twbio 是顯示錯誤的且應該要維修