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作者: Zutter77 (豬排咖哩) 看板: NBA
標題: [情報] 巫師太陽灰熊三方交易接近完成
時間: Sat Dec 15 11:12:00 2018
內文: As part of a three-team deal nearing completion: Ariza to the Wizards, Kel
ly Oubre to the Memphis Grizzlies and Austin Rivers and two Grizzlies role playe
rs to Suns, league sources tell ESPN. https://t.co/1EmRCHrjOP
巫師送出Oubre到灰熊 送出Rivers到太陽
Deal is expected to include second-round draft compensation too, league sources
said. https://t.co/zkGAy2p58u