[情報] Functional Thursday #30

作者: CindyLinz (Cindy Wang)   2015-09-28 00:26:17
這週四 10.1 晚上 19:30
Embedding and optimizing domain-specific languages in the typed final style
Oleg Kiselyov
( 這個是別人對 Oleg 的印象圖 XD http://tinyurl.com/a77e6yu )
( When Oleg shows a newbie how to solve a problem )
以下是講者所提供的演講主題內容介紹~~ ^^
Typed final (aka, ``tagless-final'') style is a general method of embedding
(typed, higher-order) domain-specific languages (DSL) in a typed functional
language such as Haskell, OCaml, Scala and Coq. Once written, a DSL
expression may be interpreted many times. Evaluator, compiler,
partial evaluator, pretty-printer are all interpreters. At any time one may
add more interpreters, and even more expression forms to the DSL while
re-using the previous interpreters as they were. Only well-typed DSL terms
are representable. Therefore, the type checker of the host language checks
作者: suhorng ( )   2015-09-29 13:36:00
It's Oleg!!!!

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