Patch and Wipe
We are in the process of deploying the newest Closed Beta patch for
The Awakening. It contains a lot of polish for areas you have already seen.
For those of you in the beta, we are keen to receive complete feedback of
what you see. We can't reply to all the posts on the beta forums, but we do
read them and fix the issues identified.
There is a wipe of the Beta realm with this patch.
Manifesto Posts
We have posted some manifesto posts about changes coming in this update:
- Leech Changes (recently updated)
- Item Affix Changes
- Tempest Shield Rework (recently updated)
Only some of the map changes outlined in the map manifesto post have been
made. Some drop weights for map bosses have been changed, and some difficulty
changes have been made. Mechanical reworks have been done, and map drop
weights are a work in process. They are probably still more punitive on the
beta than they will be on the live release.
Some of the other balance changes are outlines below:
Status Ailment Changes
Freeze, Shock and Chill durations have been modified. These ailments now
last for 60ms for every 1% of life dealt by the appropriate element,
to a maximum of 50%. For example, if a monster strikes you for 10% of
your life as Cold damage, you will be chilled for 600ms, or 0.6 seconds.
This is to reward players who choose to invest in ailment duration or
who specialise in a single element, and to reduce the occasional massive
duration Freezes, Chills and Shocks that could occur. This does make it
more difficult to capitalise on status ailments such as Shock by
splashing minimal amounts of added lightning damage.
These changes also provide more consistent Status Ailment behaviour.
Spell Effectiveness Changes
Arc has changed from 50% to 70% Effectiveness +20
Ball Lightning has changed from 30% to 20% Effectiveness -10
Bear Trap has changed from 150% to 200% Effectiveness +50
Cold Snap has changed from 100% to 120% Effectiveness +20
Discharge has changed from 100% to 150% Effectiveness +50
Fire Mortar has changed from 100% to 80% Effectiveness -20
Fire Nova Mine has changed from 75% to 20% Effectiveness -55
Firestorm has changed from 20% to 30% Effectiveness +10
Flame Totem has changed from 20% to 25% Effectiveness + 5
Freezing Pulse has changed from 100% to 125% Effectiveness +25
Glacial Cascade has changed from 80% to 60% Effectiveness -20
Herald of Ice has changed from 30% to 80% Effectiveness +50
Herald of Thunder has changed from 40% to 120% Effectiveness +80
Ice Nova has changed from 100% to 70% Effectiveness -30
Ice Spear has changed from 100% to 80% Effectiveness -20
Incinerate has changed from 10% to 30% Effectiveness +20
Lightning Tendrils has changed from 25% to 35% Effectiveness +10
Lightning Warp has changed from 100% to 50% Effectiveness -50
Molten Shell has changed from 100% to 200% Effectiveness +100
Shock Nova has changed from 100% to 50% Effectiveness -50
Spark has changed from 50% to 70% Effectiveness +20
Storm Call has changed from 100% to 80% Effectiveness -20
Tempest Shield has changed from 70% to 60% Effectiveness -10
Vaal Arc has changed from 50% to 80% Effectiveness +30
Vaal Cold Snap has changed from 100% to 140% Effectiveness +40
Vaal Fireball has changed from 100% to 125% Effectiveness +25
Vaal Flameblast has changed from 50% to 60% Effectiveness +10
Vaal Ice Nova has changed from 100% to 70% Effectiveness -30
Vaal Lightning Warp has changed from 100% to 50% Effectiveness -50
Vaal Molten Shell has changed from 100% to 200% Effectiveness +100
Vaal Spark has changed from 50% to 40% Effectiveness -10
Vaal Storm Call has changed from 100% to 80% Effectiveness -20
New Spell Damage Mods
These mods can appear on Wands, Daggers, and Sceptres:
Heated adds ( 1 to 2) - ( 3 to 4) Fire Damage to Spells ( 1)
Smouldering adds ( 6 to 8) - ( 12 to 14) Fire Damage to Spells (11)
Smoking adds (10 to 13) - ( 19 to 22) Fire Damage to Spells (18)
Burning adds (13 to 18) - ( 27 to 31) Fire Damage to Spells (26)
Flaming adds (17 to 22) - ( 33 to 39) Fire Damage to Spells (33)
Scorching adds (21 to 28) - ( 42 to 49) Fire Damage to Spells (42)
Incinerating adds (25 to 34) - ( 51 to 59) Fire Damage to Spells (51)
Blasting adds (31 to 41) - ( 61 to 71) Fire Damage to Spells (62)
Cremating adds (36 to 49) - ( 73 to 85) Fire Damage to Spells (74)
Frosted adds ( 1) - ( 2 to 3) Cold Damage to Spells ( 1)
Chilled adds ( 5 to 7) - ( 10 to 12) Cold Damage to Spells (11)
Icy adds ( 8 to 10) - ( 16 to 18) Cold Damage to Spells (18)
Frigid adds (11 to 15) - ( 22 to 25) Cold Damage to Spells (26)
Freezing adds (14 to 18) - ( 27 to 32) Cold Damage to Spells (33)
Frozen adds (17 to 23) - ( 34 to 40) Cold Damage to Spells (42)
Glaciated adds (21 to 28) - ( 41 to 48) Cold Damage to Spells (51)
Polar adds (25 to 33) - ( 50 to 58) Cold Damage to Spells (62)
Entombing adds (30 to 40) - ( 60 to 69) Cold Damage to Spells (74)
Humming adds ( 1) - ( 4 to 5) Lightning Damage to Spells( 1)
Buzzing adds ( 1 to 2) - ( 21 to 22) Lightning Damage to Spells(11)
Snapping adds ( 1 to 3) - ( 33 to 35) Lightning Damage to Spells(18)
Crackling adds ( 1 to 4) - ( 46 to 49) Lightning Damage to Spells(26)
Sparking adds ( 2 to 5) - ( 58 to 61) Lightning Damage to Spells(33)
Arcing adds ( 2 to 6) - ( 73 to 77) Lightning Damage to Spells(42)
Shocking adds ( 2 to 7) - ( 88 to 93) Lightning Damage to Spells(51)
Discharging adds ( 3 to 9) - (106 to 112) Lightning Damage to Spells(62)
Electrocuting adds ( 3 to 10) - (126 to 133) Lightning Damage to Spells(74)
These mods can roll on Staves:
Heated adds ( 1 to 2) - ( 4 to 5) Fire Damage to Spells ( 1
Smouldering adds ( 8 to 11) - ( 17 to 19) Fire Damage to Spells (11
Smoking adds (13 to 17) - ( 26 to 30) Fire Damage to Spells (18
Burning adds (18 to 24) - ( 36 to 42) Fire Damage to Spells (26
Flaming adds (23 to 30) - ( 45 to 53) Fire Damage to Spells (33
Scorching adds (28 to 38) - ( 57 to 66) Fire Damage to Spells (42
Incinerating adds (34 to 46) - ( 68 to 80) Fire Damage to Spells (51
Blasting adds (41 to 55) - ( 83 to 96) Fire Damage to Spells (62
Cremating adds (49 to 65) - ( 98 to 115) Fire Damage to Spells (74
Frosted adds ( 1 to 2) - ( 3 to 4) Cold Damage to Spells ( 1
Chilled adds ( 8 to 10) - ( 15 to 18) Cold Damage to Spells (11
Icy adds (12 to 16) - ( 23 to 27) Cold Damage to Spells (18
Frigid adds (16 to 22) - ( 33 to 38) Cold Damage to Spells (26
Freezing adds (21 to 27) - ( 41 to 48) Cold Damage to Spells (33
Frozen adds (26 to 34) - ( 52 to 60) Cold Damage to Spells (42
Glaciated adds (31 to 41) - ( 62 to 73) Cold Damage to Spells (51
Polar adds (38 to 50) - ( 75 to 88) Cold Damage to Spells (62
Entombing adds (45 to 60) - ( 89 to 104) Cold Damage to Spells (74
Humming adds ( 1) - ( 6 to 7) Lightning Damage to Spells( 1
Buzzing adds ( 1 to 3) - ( 32 to 34) Lightning Damage to Spells(11
Snapping adds ( 1 to 4) - ( 49 to 52) Lightning Damage to Spells(18
Crackling adds ( 2 to 6) - ( 69 to 73) Lightning Damage to Spells(26
Sparking adds ( 2 to 7) - ( 87 to 92) Lightning Damage to Spells(33
Arcing adds ( 3 to 9) - (109 to 115) Lightning Damage to Spells(42
Shocking adds ( 4 to 11) - (132 to 139) Lightning Damage to Spells(51
Discharging adds ( 4 to 13) - (159 to 168) Lightning Damage to Spells(62
Electrocuting adds ( 5 to 15) - (189 to 200) Lightning Damage to Spells(74
Malicious adds (47 to 72) - ( 98 to 123) Chaos Damage to the weapon's
damage and can appear on One Handed Weapons (83
Malicious adds (70 to 108) - (147 to 185) Chaos Damage to the weapon's
damage and can appear on Two Handed Weapons (83
How are we tracking?
Number of issues required to be completed for release: 494
The issue count represents two things:
(1) the work being done, and
(2) effort being put into assessing the importance of each issue.
We have worked hard to make sure that everything we need to do is
represented by one issue, and to only count the issues that need to be
We are currently aiming to add the three unreleased levels and the various
final boss fights to the beta around 1 July. We expect another beta wipe
when this happens. We are working towards a release in early July.
fff417 (天璇)
2015-06-16 13:53:00吸血要大改了@@說要大幅弱化面對單體時的吸血效率天賦和裝備給的吸血量都會減少 VP不再是40%而是100%
FlutteRage (我沒看第三å£ä¹‹å¾Œçš„啦)
2015-06-16 13:55:00正式上來前懶得玩beta了
fff417 (天璇)
2015-06-16 13:55:00Duelist附近會新增吸血相關天賦
Ambrosius (ahadears: 關弓手屁事)
2015-06-16 13:56:00Helmannnnn表示:遲來ㄉ正義
fff417 (天璇)
2015-06-16 13:58:00最後就是VP位置會改到Shadow和Ranger中間
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-06-16 14:06:00燒毀效率從30%=>10%=>30% GGG太神啦!!!!!!fire nova mine的效率果然改了XDD
降基礎leech rate+VP100% 看不出有啥理由不點VP了
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-06-16 14:41:00還有紅水可以喝 應該還好吧舊版電甲+fortify+紅球應該可以降到每秒2%不到
bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2015-06-16 15:06:00沒確定吸血和傷害怎麼改前效率變動還不知是好是壞...熊陷阱@@有點看不懂HoI HoT基傷大砍卻又加回效率啊,鼓勵靠裝備撐?
HoI HoT沒有法術tag 裝備應該稱不了 只能靠附加冰傷電傷這類的寶石來撐
燒毀效率又改高了 除了砍不合理的一顆寶石2.5倍再給基傷外 其他都跟之前的一樣 感覺還是強勢法術來玩元素流燒毀+禁語瓦爾熔岩盾好了
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-06-16 15:33:00@bnn HoI HoT砍的不是附加的傷害嗎 基傷是變高吧(?HoT HoI 熊陷阱都沒spell tag 當然buff不用錢的阿XD燒毀改回30%一個扯 之前大砍變10%就覺得砍太多結果又變回來 這樣其實還是強......
而且BUFF完之後還是廢 陷阱2秒CD HoT那些是魔力保留燒毀算給你看 30%*4(疊滿)=120%*3(基礎施速算3倍)=360%
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-06-16 15:38:00陷阱如果沒有CD就太威了XD燒毀我上一版就在玩 老實說20%比較差不多
算三倍原因是0.24*3=0.72 一般法術施速約0.65~0.85也就是說你插一顆閃電傷害或電拳之類的 等於別人放3.6
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-06-16 15:40:0010%的話 疊滿才跟一般法術效果沒差多少 燒毀還沒爆率
個... 現在版本還要再乘上散彈效應兩倍起跳的傷害..
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-06-16 15:42:00主要是以後還會有武器的固定傷lol
陷阱因為CD 大概拿來玩玩持續傷害有搞頭 畢竟兩秒CD一般法術都能放10次了...
DiAbLoE (?)
2015-06-16 15:48:00法術這點傷還不用撐命中 真是太誇張了 = =
元素燒毀最大缺點是.. 要開關正火 跟懶散的我有點不合
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-06-16 15:53:00不要開關就好啦= = 起碼就目前的天賦這很簡單......
不開關的話我可能就靠基傷燒了.. 看魔力配置吧 不夠的話就不開電捷那些只靠武器法術點傷了要猛還是要開關 但不開關應該紅門以下也輕鬆打吧而且開關還有好處 拿兩把武器 吃兩個武器法術點傷
bbkuan (逼逼睏)
2015-06-16 18:32:00全新暗黑風格線上遊戲「大覺醒」(以前叫流亡黯道POE)
rusa (rusa)
2015-06-16 21:46:007月初放最後一個PATCH還要兩星期~~(應該會倒數了吧(腦補) 誰知道會不會又拖到8月
DiAbLoE (?)
2015-06-16 21:53:00台服加翻譯時間幾乎就8月吧
rusa (rusa)
2015-06-16 22:00:00如果發現BUG太多7月中再改一次也是有可能的
作者: gogowow 2015-06-16 22:32:00
rusa (rusa)
2015-06-22 13:13:00終於快倒數啦(灑花)7/4倒數就差不多7/18上了
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-06-22 15:05:00公告裡寫的不是下禮拜倒數 7/10左右上(?
rusa (rusa)
2015-06-22 15:15:00那段是7/10左右倒數喔 看錯了~