- Added support for the upcoming Darkshrine Events.
- Added support for the upcoming Soulthirst Race Season.
- Added eight new Divination Cards.
新增 8 種新的命運卡.
- Added a new unique item for the upcoming Soulthirst Race Season.
This will be enabled once the season begins.
新增 1 個獨特裝備. (Soulthirst競賽開起始後開放)
- Added some new unique items that will be enabled one by one over the
next few weeks.
- You can now highlight maps of certain tiers using "Tier:#" in the stash.
《Race Content Improvements》:
- The levels of many Descent areas have been adjusted.
- The life of the bosses in the first eleven Descent areas has been reduced.
- The chests in Descent for every class have been redone in most areas.Skill
and Support gems are present in both chests, rather than being a choice.
- The weapons in the starter chests for Descent now all have three linked
- The Capricious Tomb in Descent has been replaced by the Mortal Tomb.
This area is now filled with living humanoids rather than Goatmen.
- The statues in the Tomb of Statues in Descent use ice shot far less
- The Necromancers in The Lost Cathedral in Descent no longer use Enfeeble.
- The Spinner of False Hope located in The Arachnid Tomb in Descent
no longer hides at 50% life.
- The Forbidden Ruins in Descent no longer spawn entire packs of Undying
Grapplers, they are mixed into other packs now.
- The second area of Endless Ledge now generates monsters randomly from
a set list comprised of mainly Act One and Act Two monsters.
- The third area of Endless Ledge now generates monsters randomly from
a set list comprised of mainly Act One, Act Two and Act Three monsters.
The Act Three monsters used are typically ones which aren't especially
dangerous to very low level characters.
- Reduced some of the level size variance in the Ship Graveyard.
《Bug Fixes》:
- Fixed a bug where the Abandoned Dam corrupted side area spawned too
many shrines.
- Fixed a bug where the Fresh Lair mission area was generating the
incorrect tilesets.
- Fixed a bug where strongboxes in Haku missions could spawn immortal totems,
resulting in the strongbox never opening.