Darksto (Mr. D/C)
2015-12-07 12:41:54Balance Changes in Content Update 2.1.0
Alongside the release of the Talisman/2.1.0 update this week, we're making
changes to various skills and game mechanics. Our aim is to facilitate more
interesting choices when creating a character, with fewer 'incorrect'
choices. Where possible, we've tried to achieve this by raising the power
level of underused or underpowered game mechanics, rather than with numerical
nerfs. However, a few skills that were clearly overpowered have been adjusted
to a more appropriate level.
Firstly, there's an entire rework to the Poison system. Read more about it
Spell Damage Progression (Buffed)
Spell damage was starting to fall behind Attack damage later in the game, so
we've increased the per-level damage increase of many spells. Most spells
have increased in damage by 20% at gem level 20, and those that weren't
performing well later in the game have been increased even further.
We've reduced the area of effect bonuses available in the tree slightly, but
increased the base radius of some skills that were smaller than others like
Storm Call and Glacial Cascade, as well as any corpse-destroying effects like
Detonate Dead and Abyssal Cry.
Melee Splash (Substantially Buffed)
Melee Splash has been increased in many ways - dealing more damage, having a
larger base range, not penalising primary damage, and growing in size as it
levels. This should make skills like Heavy Strike, Viper Strike, Glacial
Hammer and Infernal Blow more tempting choices to support and use as area
Leech (Buffed)
Life and Mana leech granted in the passive skill tree is now much larger. The
Strength area of the tree has the highest values, while the Dexterity area of
the tree now includes Elemental Attack Damage as well as Physical Attack
Damage as leech granted. The Duelist now has a combined life and mana leech
cluster, to reduce the traveling distance required to make the best use of
Surgeon's Flasks (Nerfed, but not retroactively)
Surgeon's flask mods now grant a chance to gain a charge on critical strike,
rather than unconditionally granting one. This will not change flask mods
spawned before the deployment of 2.1.0 - they will still work the old way.
The Surgeon's mod made many flasks too easy to keep full for a heavily
specialised critical strike character - far beyond what was originally
intended. Players today have many more options to reach very high values of
Critical Strike Chance, Attack and Cast Speeds than when the mod was created.
These stats all have a compounding effect on the power of the flask.
Mana per level, Melee mana costs (Buffed)
Players now gain more mana every time they level up, and most Melee Attack
skills no longer increase in mana cost as they level. These changes are to
allow Mana to be used more reliably by late-game builds that don't have high
amounts of intelligence, as Blood Magic was the prevalent way to use almost
every melee attack skill later in the game.
Point Blank (Buffed)
Point Blank was one of the least-used Keystone passive, so we have reduced
its damage penalty to be less punishing. It now retains its damage bonus over
a longer distance, and now only scales down to 50% less damage, instead of
100% less damage. This should make it more tempting a choice for players who
want a riskier, deadlier, up-close-and-personal bow build.
Bows and Bow Skills (Buffed)
Many bow skills have been reviewed and shifted in balance slightly, with
almost all of them being increased in power. This includes the return of
additional radius per gem level and an extra 10% more damage to Rain of
Arrows, to bring it closer to the power of the new Blast Rain skill. These
changes result in players having stronger skill choices when playing bow
We've also increased the damage of the lower level bows, and increased the
required level of the first quiver, so that quivers aren't required for an
enjoyable first few levels on a Bow character.
Poison Arrow (Nerfed due to new passives and supports now working with it)
Because we've introduced a whole new set of Chaos Damage passives and
supports, Poison Arrow's damage has been reduced to bring it in line with
other skills when it makes good use of the new support gems and passives. It
has also been renamed to Caustic Arrow.
Flame Totem (Early-game Nerf/Late-game Buff)
Flame Totem was a little too powerful early on, so has been reduced in damage
at lower levels. Its damage is very slightly higher at high levels.
Summon Raging Spirits (Early-game Buff/Late-game Nerf for certain characters)
Raging Spirits have been completely rebalanced, with a faster cast speed,
longer duration, and greatly improved AI. This makes it much easier to hit
the limit on the number of Raging Spirits available at once. The damage has
also been adjusted to compensate.
Raise Zombie (Buffed)
Raised Zombies now have a faster attack speed, and will occasionally use an
AoE slam that damages enemies in a small area, to make them less reliant on
Melee Splash. They also have a naturally higher stun threshold, so they're
less likely to be stunned out of an attack.
Raise Spectre (Buffed at lower levels)
Raise Spectre now has a lower penalty on Life and Energy Shield at lower
levels, as Spectres raised at low levels died too easily.
Incinerate (Nerfed)
Incinerate now receives less of a bonus per stage, as its damage was too
high. Its general damage has been rebalanced, resulting in less overall
damage at higher levels. The skill was dealing far too much damage once fully
charged, trivializing some end-game encounters. There were significant
community demands for this skill to be adjusted.
Cyclone (Slightly Nerfed)
There was a display bug that caused Cyclone to show the wrong DPS value and
attack speed. We have fixed this bug, so you'll now notice the visual DPS
almost double and the attack speed on the gem shoot up a lot.
In addition, we have reduced the damage of Cyclone by around 10% and have
reduced the damage of its initial hit. Even after this change, Cyclone is
still one of the strongest melee skills in the game. It just doesn't
out-damage Heavy Strike for single target damage any more.
Magma Orb and Arc (Buffed)
Magma Orb now gains an additional chain when the gem reaches a certain level,
and Arc gains additional chains more frequently. This is because the damage
penalty of the Chain support gem didn't justify the additional targets hit,
so in practical usage, these skills didn't scale the number of targets hit as
well as other skills did.
Searing Bond (Buffed)
Searing Bond can place up to one additional totem; This means you can have
two Searing Bond totems active without Ancestral Bond, and can use Searing
Bond in addition to another totem skill. At early levels this lets it work
well alongside Flame Totem rather than directly competing with it as a choice
to use.
[PoESkillTree 2.2.3] Talisman Support
下載連結: https://github.com/EmmittJ/PoESkillTree/releases/tag/2.2.3
pppppp (逝水)
2015-12-07 12:49:00頭推,回家在看
bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2015-12-07 13:16:00legacy surgeon's flask ROFL
dengeebye (dengeebye)
2015-12-07 13:18:00恩...原來如此
bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2015-12-07 13:22:00法術buff,弓技buff,天賦AOE變小,近戰擴散buff,主流技能被砍火圖騰低等nerf高等buff,火靈低等buff高等nerf,毒弓nerf燒毀nerf,旋風nerf(以及修好dps顯示bug)
DiAbLoE (?)
2015-12-07 13:25:00感覺就像網路時代了 他們才在慢慢改進蒸汽機 .... 出布琳
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-07 13:25:00searing bond這樣初期會變很好用
bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2015-12-07 13:26:00每級獲得mana提高,近戰mana cost調低/不隨升級變多
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-07 13:26:00mana per level總算buff了 EB改掉真的崩潰難撐
DiAbLoE (?)
2015-12-07 13:26:00鞋已經夠誇張了 還要增強弓系技能 ? 然後劍減格擋那圈整
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-07 13:27:00PA nerf了還是很難過 不過要看nerf多少
Silwez (Essence:Homomorphism)
2015-12-07 13:27:00開始洗藥水囉
DiAbLoE (?)
2015-12-07 13:27:00個消失 = = GGG到底是在平衡什麼 ...
bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2015-12-07 13:28:00point blank距離遠時傷害變低的懲罰量從-100%變-50% (buff)
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-07 13:28:00雖然我覺得會用PB的人不會在意那個XD
bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2015-12-07 13:29:00毒弓燒毀旋風意料之中,火圖騰和SRS沒大砍已經不錯
Darksto (Mr. D/C)
2015-12-07 13:32:00毒弓可以shadow起手了..傷害應該會比以前高一點.
Silwez (Essence:Homomorphism)
2015-12-07 13:32:00殭屍會用AoE 低等幽魂的生命、護盾懲罰減少
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-07 13:34:00殭屍會用AOE感覺真的不錯 可是要看使用頻率
Silwez (Essence:Homomorphism)
2015-12-07 13:35:00連線棒棒現在能插兩根 或者一根連線棒棒 一根其他棒棒
bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2015-12-07 13:37:00升級以前從一根灼熱連結變成火圖騰,會變成各一根...這有差嗎
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-07 13:40:00弓還不知道啦 內文是只有說低等的弓傷害變高然後重新平衡弓技能 舉出會buff冷門的ROA(箭雨)讓大家玩弓的時候技能可以有更多選擇
Silwez (Essence:Homomorphism)
2015-12-07 13:53:00連線棒棒那個 重點是不需要點雙圖騰天賦大點(先祖)ROA就跟決鬥一樣 都是race神 常態悲劇說好的用決鬥帶來笑容(ry可惡 好想發一篇翻譯 但沒時間看
爆炸箭沒nerf喔.. 還有雷錘又痛又坦也沒改的樣子感覺ggg不想讓範圍的打太爽快,集中上版變成less,這次又砍.. 等等去下載模擬器看看砍怎樣
bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2015-12-07 14:07:00arc還buff chain的次數呢...ele leech應該在shadow區影響不大
熔岩球好像也只是增加次數而已.. 那麼弱一樣是個廢招還有招喚改那麼多 就是漏掉骷髏.. 本來下版想玩骷髏的現在看看還是先玩新技能好了 @@
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-07 14:21:00@good 雷鎚的坦度主要來自藥水 爆擊充能nerf會弱一點但是有legacy所以......@bnn ele leech不是決鬥右下吸血吸魔跟ranger右下吸魔嗎? 那兩區的吸血吸魔沒有限定"physical"但是一樣是attack才能吸會不會有spell leech就不知道了 不過我猜沒有啦lol
但雷鎚靠護體遇到大群的或打王再喝其實應該還好 @@
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-07 14:45:00爆擊雷鎚就是打王的時候 不管打多久水都不會斷所以才會很坦 因為爆擊回復會把水瓶回起來只要你持續在攻擊 你的水會在持續時間結束前回滿打單體也一樣 所以雷鎚可以不斷地喝三灌抗水導致他們能常駐9X%的抗性 這才是坦的原因大部分的雷鎚還是滿怕物傷的就是 雖然護甲水也能無限但是沒辦法像抗性這麼離譜因此事實上GGG這個nerf是有nerf到重點 但是legacy無解@alan你不是玩國際服的嗎 怎麼還要等翻譯lol
雷槌應該就只有砍成遺產 讓新雷槌削弱,舊雷槌可能不動刀了吧
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-07 14:57:00我是說 這次的爆擊充能水 也會有遺產所以對原本就在玩雷鎚的人 這些改動根本沒有影響如果沒有遺產 雷鎚打王水補不滿 => 需要走位 =>攻擊次數變少 => 水更少 坦力應該會差很多
!! 剛剛沒注意到,是說以後新詞贅沒有爆擊時充能了??
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-07 15:04:00不是 會變成爆擊時有X%機會充能 機率沒公布
所以說surgeon幹嘛留legacy o'_'o
可惡大家都打Tailsman 這版本這麼容易打錯嗎XD
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-07 16:33:00legacy算是GGG政策吧 不影響放不下只肯玩SC的人的體驗而且這樣改版的時候也不用改很久畢竟不留legacy是必須一個帳號一個帳號去改那些道具人多遺產多 改版維修要花個1天+的話 應該會被罵爆吧XD
sweetmiki (只有初音 沒有未來)
2015-12-07 17:20:00原來如此 等翻譯
poppipe (poppipe)
2015-12-07 18:13:00不懂為什麼老是在搞遺產 不能全面修正嗎 有點變向鼓勵RMT玩一般的在也打不到 通貨也用不到 就會用私人管道取得
nineveh (近水樓)
2015-12-07 19:22:00刺客你好 刺客再見
DiAbLoE (?)
2015-12-07 19:44:00單手攻速被偷砍了好多 - -
TotemArt (TotemArt)
2015-12-07 21:21:00女王手不就全改了
DiAbLoE (?)
2015-12-07 21:29:00他不是說沒辦法這麼做 是他們真的想改還是能改 很明顯他們現在不想改而已
nahsnib (æ‚Ÿ)
2015-12-07 22:18:00這次懶得翻...
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-07 23:53:00@yehjack 沒有不見阿 只是往左上一點剩下3點@TotemArt 那只是在系統裡加個上限 並不用動到玩家的道具 要全改當然沒甚麼問題 而且後來也改回來了阿一人一信支持GGG把新聯盟改成尾巴人(?
TotemArt (TotemArt)
2015-12-08 09:53:00所有女王手的物品敘述都有修正不就是動到玩家的物品了嗎能改敘述不能動功能 嗯……
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-08 10:13:00敘述是存在他資料庫裡的東西啊 要顯示的時候去資料庫挖資料 roll的部分會被記成變數 存在玩家的道具裡你要改roll當然只能一個一個改當然玩家的道具資料也存在資料庫啦......
terces ( . .)
2015-12-08 10:16:00應該存static file(content.ggpk?) 然後丟到ram 裡面去?
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-08 10:16:00只是不同table 好難解釋= =簡單來說 就是你要改女王手敘述 你只要改一筆資料就好玩家的道具要改資料 就是有幾個道具就要改幾筆
女王手這類動一筆詞綴打幾個字就能改了 其他可能要寫一個小程式讓他跑
TotemArt (TotemArt)
2015-12-08 12:23:00可以理解你們要表達的,可是仍然不懂改女王手跟改其他道具的差別在哪裡,如果女王手是對系統下去做改動那藥水的爆擊衝能卻不是從系統去多加個機率?
bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2015-12-08 12:26:00把玩家現有的物品字根加上每個人不一的機率會暴動的
TotemArt (TotemArt)
2015-12-08 12:29:00沒有提到改動後洗出來的機率會是浮動的吧?
bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2015-12-08 12:34:00沒提到.不過以前改藥水字根如果沒有變動值的話,沒有legacy像是解燃燒/冰/感電變成持續時間免疫,像是吸血2%變0.4%這些全域藥水字根變動都沒有legacy而這次卻強調有,估計有XX%
TotemArt (TotemArt)
2015-12-08 12:39:00所以如果給個定值就可以不用留legacy了,GGG不想砍到徹底而已,然後提到吸血的改動,當初電甲的40%→30%也是可以不用讓legacy存在的對吧?
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-08 13:14:00是阿 感覺電甲是做得到的 不過當初既然沒做現在要做應該也不可能了吧 這個真的會暴動lol至於藥水 我也認為會有浮動機率 不過現在猜這個也沒甚麼意義 兩天後patch notes就會出來了
TotemArt (TotemArt)
2015-12-08 13:27:00所以雷錘 血甲 大ci等等數值的改動都是可以統一改的當初藥水變成持續時間免疫狀態也是統一改詞綴 這樣看下來我不懂他們有什麼技術困難啊?
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-08 13:29:00雷錘 血甲要做的話我想應該可以大CI就有難度了 你改了帳面顯示%數也沒辦法改實際ES量而且雖然說是做得到的 這種東西存在越多會越影響遊戲順暢度 因為你資料從資料庫拿出來都要先做一次計算
bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2015-12-08 13:33:00這時候就該放大絕了:legacy是遊戲的一部分,不爽不要玩(誤)
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-08 13:34:00當然最好的方法就是不留legacy 大家都知道但是千血 大CI那時候論壇怎麼討論都沒個結果最後當然就是只能變傳統了lol而且SC遺產越多大家越偏向玩新聯盟 GGG計畫通(?畢竟說真的 玩家就是要一直玩新聯盟 遊戲人數才不會少就算全身鏡子裝 倉庫滿滿都是鏡子 也很少有人能玩SC玩個2 3年不quit 但是新聯盟玩家很多玩2 3年還在玩的
TotemArt (TotemArt)
2015-12-08 13:41:00如果不留legacy就可以從原始資料下去做更動吧 為什麼會要額外計算?所以果然還是GGG不去動而已阿(攤手
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-08 13:43:00要從原始資料下去做更動 就跟一開始講的一樣 要時間不用時間的辦法就是你雷鎚資料庫裡都存50拿出來顯示跟計算的時候先*0.6這樣就不用一筆一筆改 但是每次資料庫東西拿出來都要先判斷哪些東西數值要調 就會影響遊戲順暢度
bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2015-12-08 13:45:00玩家不爽吧,打到千血已經變成你的,結果廠商patch讓你剩500感覺就是比較不爽就好像銀行存款放在那裏突然就一紙公文說四萬變一塊...
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-08 13:47:00那個也是原因啦 所以前面才會說 要全改維護時間要變長
TotemArt (TotemArt)
2015-12-08 13:47:00了解,GGG的nerf哪次在意玩家感受了XD
作者: tszyi (奶茶加撞球) 2015-12-08 18:06:00
冰霜之刃跟野性打擊不知有無變。同樣武器,我用衝擊波就好用多了。還有,法術像是風暴呼喚,我之前做了一個風暴BUILD真心覺得這個技能好難用,同樣雷系,換個電弧,效率又是個檔次。至於陷阱,看了他的天賦樹,最多點觸發範圍阿,這樣會更好用些,但我也滿希望GGG能夠增加陷阱冷卻之類的天賦,不然我陷阱BUILD丟完,又有一段小空窗逃命。目前夯夯der火靈、火舌、毒箭、旋風,我支持砍下去,ggg你做DER很好XD對了還忘記地雷..之前有試做火焰新星地雷BUILD,結果玩到後期(地雷相關天賦都點了),同樣裝備我用火圈就輾壓苦手地雷,真的滿無言der= =
沒有冷卻嗎 我沒看天賦樹可是聽說有欸只是聽說o'_'o
作者: tszyi (奶茶加撞球) 2015-12-08 18:15:00
所以說我只是聽說der沒開來看o'_'ocharge或cooldown搜看看(′・ω・‵)?當然你也可以當我亂說就是 畢竟我只是聽來的o'_'o
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-08 19:32:00有阿...... 只是比較上面一點
ilohoo (ilohoo)
2015-12-08 22:04:00來個地雷投擲吧 操作性會好一些
想問一下shadow家的那顆冷酷計算 改版後12%進戰傷害改成12% attack damage(現在原文是melee) 所以毒弓可吃?
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-08 23:33:00如果你指的是毒雲 不行 毒雲不是attack
對 指毒雲 那真可惜 不過不曉得改成腐蝕箭會不會吃對了 fatal toxins 那圈125%中毒傷害是不是毒雲不吃XD
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2015-12-09 11:02:00當然不吃阿 毒雲又不是poison 不然幹嘛特別改名lol改成腐蝕箭也不會吃啦 就是同一個技能