Trade API slowness: We have been working on this hard for a couple of days
now and have deployed some fixes. It looks like the API is now much faster
than it was before, so trade sites should be able to keep up with the
firehose of items. Recently listed items may still take a while to appear if
the trade sites are still catching up after being behind. We'll keep an eye
on things to make sure it's working well.
交易 API 緩慢的問題已經改善了,也會繼續追蹤關注。
Customer support backlog: We're at around 880 emails in the queue currently,
which is somewhat ruining our five-minute response times we try to maintain.
The team are making good progress through the emails and hope to have the
backlog resolved soon. Thanks for your patience!
我們現在有 880 封 Email 要處理,但你們急什麼?
GGG 承諾五分鐘就會回,就算我們辦不到,你們也不能怎樣。
不高興可以去 PO Reddit, 只要 Karma 超過 100 ,我們五秒內就會回。
抱歉 Kripp 打來,我接一下。
2.5.0 performance results: Our telemetry shows that on average, frame rates
are 25% higher after the deployment of 2.5.0 compared to 2.4.2 (where it was
higher again than 2.4.1). Some residual performance issues are still being
2.5.0 版的效能,畫面張數整體提升了 25%,但確實還有一些問題,但我也不知道該怎
麼辦。聽說前幾天 Nugi 換卡片時換到當機還車我們公司,我已經寫信去關切了。
"Black Screen" issue: We finally worked this out and have a fix coming in
2.5.0b. If you were affected by this issue then we are very sorry for the
inconvenience caused.
不要擔心,那只是方面你 rmt 用的。(實況主特權)
2.5.0b patch: This will likely be deployed tomorrow. It has many small fixes
and improves the spawn rate of Essences in maps.
2.5.0b patch 明天應該會上,修了一些 bug 然後提高精髓在地圖裡面出現的機率。
Obligatory teaser: Divination Stash Tabs are ready.