※ 引述《TameFoxx (foxx)》之銘言:
: 原文連結 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2036284
: Added 48 new Unique items.
: Added 6 new Divination Cards designed by our supporters.
: Added a new Dexterity/Intelligence Skill Gem - Unearth: Fires a projectile
: that will pierce through enemies to impact the ground at the targeted
: location, creating a Bone Archer corpse where it lands.
新增 敏/智 寶石-Unearth:發射一個飛射物,會穿過敵人到達指定地點,在該處創造一個
: Added a new Dexterity Skill Gem - Cremation: A targeted corpse explodes,
: dealing area damage and turning into a volcanic geyser, which will repeatedly
: unleash projectiles sequentially over the surrounding area for a duration.
: The explosion of the corpse is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and
: cannot be reflected.
新增 敏寶石-Cremation:消耗指定地點的一個屍體,造成火山般的噴泉,持續一段時間
: Added a new Intelligence/Dexterity Skill Gem - Bodyswap: Your body explodes,
: dealing spell damage in an area around you, and a targeted corpse also
: explodes, dealing damage around it. Your body is recreated at the location of
: the corpse. The explosion of the corpse is not affected by modifiers to spell
: damage, and cannot be reflected. This spell cannot be repeated.
新增 智/敏寶石-Bodyswap:你的身體爆炸,對附近造成法術傷害,而你選定的一個屍體
: Added a new Dexterity/Intelligence Skill Gem - Volatile Dead: Corpses near
: the targeted location explode, dealing damage in a small area and creating an
: orb which moves towards nearby enemies before dealing spell damage in a
: larger area. The explosion of the corpse is not affected by modifiers to
: spell damage, and cannot be reflected.
新 敏/智 寶石-Volatile Dead:一樣屍爆傷害,爆炸後產生一個火球自動追蹤怪物,造成
: Vulnerability has been split into two skill gems - Vulnerability and Despair.
: Vulnerability, a Strength Skill Gem, curses all targets in an area, causing
: them to take increased physical damage and increased physical damage over
: time. Attacks against cursed enemies have a chance to inflict bleeding and
: maim.
: Despair, an Intelligence Skill Gem, curses all targets in an area, making
: them less resistant to chaos damage and causing them to take increased damage
: over time. Cursed enemies also take additional chaos damage when hit.
: Existing Vulnerability skill gems have become Despair.
: Added a new Intelligence Support Gem - Storm Barrier Support: Creates a
: barrier around you while you channel a supported skill. The barrier reduces
: the physical and lightning damage you take from hits, and grants you a chance
: to gain a power charge when hit.
輔助智寶-Storm Barrier Support:當在持續施法時,在你附近生成一個屏障,你受到的
: Added a new Dexterity Support Gem - Volley Support: Adds two projectiles to
: supported skills, and causes them to be fired from points to either side of
: you, in parallel. Projectiles Nova (found on Sire of Shards) will currently
: override the projectile source part of this support, however, this will
: change in a future patch.
輔助敏寶-Volley Support:無雙的黃忠,集氣招式。就平行飛射物輔助寶石。多兩個飛射
: Added a new Intelligence Support Gem - Spell Cascade Support: Supported
: area-targeting skills will also target an area in front of and behind your
: initial target.
輔助智寶-Spell Cascade Support:範圍技會在你指定的地方,前後各產生一次效果。
: Added a new Strength Support Gem - Ancestral Call Support: Supported
: single-target melee skills targets two additional nearby enemies.
輔助力寶-Ancestral Call Support:單體近戰技能會多打附近兩個敵人。(聽起來很雞肋)
: Added a new Dexterity Support Gem - Mirage Archer Support: Hitting an enemy
: with a supported bow skill creates a Mirage Archer who continues to use that
: skill for a duration.
輔助敏寶- Mirage Archer Support:被輔助的弓技擊中敵人時,會產生一個幻影弓箭手
: Added 3D art for: Malachai's Mark, Dialla's Malefaction, Dendrobate,
: Hiltless, Void Battery, Redblade Tramplers and Lightning Coil.
: Added a new unique Strongbox designed by one of our supporters.
: Added a new Rogue Exile based on the winner of the Best Dressed Exile
: competition.
: The Abyss Challenge League
: Challenge leagues are a great opportunity for a fresh start in a new economy.
: All of your old characters and items are still present in the Standard and
: Hardcore leagues, but you're encouraged to join the new leagues, complete
: challenges and demonstrate your mastery of Path of Exile!
: With 3.1.0, there are Standard and Hardcore variations of the Abyss challenge
: league available, as well as solo self-found variants of both. They have the
: same core mechanics and items. In the Abyss League, players will encounter
: cracks in the ground. Get too close, and these cracks widen and spread,
: allowing the terrible monsters to climb from their inky depths. Pursue these
: cracks, and you may discover a massive chasm from which dangerous packs of
: monsters emerge. Once you defeat these monsters, the Abyss continues to
: propagate, creating more chasms. Take too long, and the Abyss will seal shut,
: but if you're quick and deadly enough, a chest filled with valuable rewards
: will emerge from below.
: As players progress through the Abyss League, some pits may offer access to
: the Abyssal Depths below. These Abyssal Depths are packed with monstrous
: creatures and valuable rewards, and culminate in an exciting boss encounter.
: Exploring the Abyssal Depths in high-level areas might result in an encounter
: with a Lich boss. These difficult boss fights are quite rare, but very
: rewarding. Defeating a Lich is the only way to earn an exclusive Abyss Unique
: item.
: Monsters and chests from the Abyss can drop Abyss Jewels. Like other Jewels,
: these can be placed in sockets in your passive tree to grant powerful
: bonuses. Unlike other Jewels, they have a set of exclusive new properties and
: can also be placed in Abyssal Sockets on your items! These sockets can be
: found on the new Abyss Uniques and a new base type of Abyss-socketed belt:
: the Stygian Vise.
: The Abyss League includes a set of 40 new challenges. When you complete 12
: challenges, you receive the Abyss Helmet skin. At 24, you receive the Abyss
: Wings. When you complete your 36th challenge, you receive the Abyss Portal
: effect. These microtransactions are exclusively available in the Abyss League.
: From the 19th challenge onwards and for every third challenge after that, you
: receive pieces of an Abyss Totem Pole decoration to display in your hideout.
: The Totem Pole permanently showcases how many of the Abyss challenges you
: completed during this league.
: Minor Features:
: The targeting behaviour of many skills has been improved, especially against
: large targets such as Kitava and Arakaali.
: Updated the item frames to fit the current user interface.
: Updated the Stash chest model. So new! So shiny!
: The tutorial has been slightly adjusted to better direct players who are
: having trouble very early on.
: Added a tutorial element for using Portal scrolls, and improved the Waypoint
: tutorial.
: Added a visible Tutorial barrier to the entry of Lioneye's Watch, which
: vanishes after a passive skill point is applied.
: You can now open the Help Panel by pressing ';'. This can be changed in the
: Options menu.
: You can now dismiss Help Panel notifications by right-clicking them. They
: will disappear by themselves after 6 seconds.
: You can now turn Divination Cards in at Navali in the Epilogue town or in
: your hideout. The description of the Divination Card achievement
: "Soothsaying" has been updated to reflect this.
: The Forsaken Masters have moved back to Oriath, and can now be found in the
: Epilogue town.
: An effect is now played on corpses which disappear due to hitting the
: corpse-creation limit for skills like Desecrate and Unearth.
: Values for ailments, such as Shock and Chill effectiveness, can now be viewed
: in the Character panel.
: Added a system for scaling the visual effects of ailments based on the size
: of the monster.
: Added voice acting for many NPCs and story glyphs which were missing them
: when they were added in The Fall of Oriath.
: Added images to the map pin hovers for areas added in The Fall of Oriath.
: Added an option to leave your current party to the character portrait
: drop-down menu.
: The league selected on the drop-down menu on the Character Selection screen
: is now saved, and will be the selected league whenever you open your client.
: Improved the quest reward selection user interface.
: Added a timer below each flask icon which, while the flask is active,
: displays the remaining duration for that flask.
: Debuffs are now displayed on a separate line to buffs, flask effects and
: charges.
: Auras you have activated that are affecting you are no longer displayed in
: the buff bar as the skill icon shows which auras are active. Auras from other
: sources will still appear in your buff bar.
: Skills with modified cooldowns now show their final cooldown rather than the
: cooldown modifier.
: Monsters will now show their rarity as they're emerging.
: The Challenges tab now displays the number of challenges you have completed
: at the top.
: The default minimum for Dynamic Resolution Scaling is now set to 30 frames
: per second. You can change this in the Options menu.
: Improved the effects for monster rarities and ailments.
: Added support for subsurface scattering. Check out the ice and candles!
: Optimised a lot of skills, areas, monsters and effects.
: Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.
: Character Balance
: Intimidate now causes enemies to take 10% increased Attack Damage (rather
: than 10% increased Damage).
: 威嚇現在改成使敵人增加10%承受的攻擊傷害
: 而不在是增加10%承受傷害(很公平...幾乎都是傷害偏低的必中近戰在用這個)
: Skill Balance
: Existing Vulnerability Skill gems are now Despair gems. Despair curses all
: targets in an area, making them less resistant to chaos damage, and causing
: them to take increased damage over time. Cursed enemies also take additional
: chaos damage when hit. There is a new red skill gem called Vulnerability.
: Your minions (and their minions) will no longer deal or take damage while you
: are dead.
: Dark Pact no longer gains bonus radius when using your life. The damage bonus
: from using your life grows less quickly as the gem levels up, dealing 76%
: more damage at level 20 (down from 95%).
Dark Pact當你用HP時,沒有額外範圍加成,LV20傷害從95%調降到76%。
: Detonate Dead now deals spell damage based on the level of the skill gem, in
: addition to damage based on the corpse's maximum life. The base fire damage
: dealt by the spell part of the explosion has been significantly increased.
: The skill now gains additional area of effect radius as it levels, and its
: base critical chance has been increased from 5% to 6%. The cast time has been
: lowered to 0.6 seconds (from 0.8).
: Raise Spectre now grants additional accuracy to Spectres based on the level
: of the gem.
: Bear Trap and Vaal Rain of Arrows now remove all movement speed, as opposed
: to reducing it by 300%.
: Raging Spirits now have a 15% less Added Damage multiplier, up from 30%.
: Summoned Skeletons now have a 50% more added damage multiplier, up from 30%
: less added damage.
招喚哭簍50% more傷害,以前30%。
: Raging Spirits, Spiders created from Arakaali's Fang, and the spirit skulls
: from the Essence of Insanity can no longer taunt their enemies.
大蜘蛛招換的蜘蛛、火靈,Essence of Insanity的特效,都不會再taunt他的敵人。
: The amount of burning damage dealt by the burning ground created by a Burning
: Arrow on a character with the Pitch Darkness threshold jewel is now
: determined by the level of the Burning Arrow skill gem.
: Orb of Storms can now trigger lightning strikes from channelled skills.
暴風漩渦現在可以從引導技能中的lightning strikes。
: Desecrate: Now creates 5 corpses (up from 3). The cooldown has been reduced
: to 3 seconds per stack (down from 5), and the cast time has been reduced to
: 0.8 seconds (down from 1). Desecrate's maximum corpse level now grows more
: steadily as the skill gem levels up. It can now create higher level corpses
: at most levels, except level 19 of the gem, in which the maximum corpse level
: has been lowered from 100 to 81.
: Lightning Tendrils has been reworked. It is now a channelled skill, and deals
: more damage on every 4th pulse. It has also received a visual overhaul. The
: new version hits slightly less frequently than previously, but has higher
: sustained damage overall.
Lightning Tendrils重新設計,他現在是引導技能,然後每四波會打一下比較痛,攻擊頻
: Minion Life Support now affects Minion Life multiplicatively (it now provides
: 30% MORE Minion Life rather than 30% increased Minion Life) at level 1 of the
: gem (up to 49% more life at level 20).
招換物生命從increased 30%改成 MORE 30%,LV20 19%。
: Dark Pact now counts as being a Minion skill gem, and will thus interact with
: effects such as the one found on Cloak of Tawm'r Isley.
Dark Pact改成招換物相關技能,可以被 Cloak of Tawm'r Isley影響。
: Ruthless Support can no longer support Channelled skills.
Ruthless Support不再對引導技能產生效果。
: Cyclone can no longer be supported by Ruthless Support.
: Iron Will can now support Summon Skeleton and will affect the damage dealt by
: Skeleton Mages if you are using the Dead Reckoning threshold jewel.
Iron Will現在可以用在招換骷髏上,以及骷髏法師。
: Arctic Armour's chilling effect now slows enemies by 30% when you are hit (up
: from 10%).
: Melee attacks supported by Multistrike now more accurately take attack range
: (including area of effect modifiers) into account when checking for targets
: for subsequent attacks. This has negatively impacted some skills and
: positively impacted others, but in general melee skills supported by
: Multistrike will target monsters that better fit the behaviour of the attack.
: Bladefall's area of effect was wider than intended close to the caster. The
: area of effect now better matches the area the blades visually land. The
: total width of Bladefall's area of effect has been increased slightly to
: compensate for the now-narrower early stages.
: Storm Burst is now correctly modified by factors based on the state of the
: projectile (such as Powerful Precision's "Projectiles have 100% increase
: Critical Strike Chance against Targets they Pierce").
Storm Burst現在會被正確的增幅,例如 Powerful Precision穿過怪物會增加100%爆擊率
: Charged Dash is now limited to a maximum of 15 strikes per skill use, as well
: as limited by distance travelled.
Charged Dash現在一次只能打15下,也會依照移動的距離來限制。
: Static Strike's radius has been increased from 19 to 20, bringing its total
: radius to 24 at gem level 20. Static Strike's explosion now correctly applies
: ailments with 40% less effect. It was previously applying ailments without
: taking the less-damage modifier into account.
Static Strike的距離從19改成20,LV20距離24,以前沒改到,現在40%減少效果實裝。
: Ice Crash's radius has been increased from 8 to 9 for the first stage, from
: 16 to 18 for the second stage, and from 24 to 26 for the third stage.
Ice Crash距離從8改9,第二階段16改成18,第三階段24改成26。
: Earthquake's radius has been increased from 25 to 28 for the second stage.
: Reave's radius has been increased from 17 to 20, bringing it up to 24 at gem
: level 20.
地震範圍從25改成28, Reave的範圍從17改成20,lv20達到24。
: Wither now increases Chaos damage taken by 6% (down from 7%), and stacks up
: to 15 times (down from 20).
: Vaal Power Siphon's radius has been reduced to 70 units (down from 120).
: Item Balance
: Divination Cards: The locations, drop rates and requirements for many
: Divination Cards have been reworked, in part due to the changes to the Atlas
: in this patch, and in part to better integrate Divination Cards into areas
: introduced in The Fall of Oriath.
: Life regeneration mods have been slightly renamed and reordered as two higher
: tiers have been added.
: Life regeneration mods on rare items have been buffed across the board, with
: the existing highest tier mod now granting up to 20 life per second. Existing
: items can be updated to these new values using Divine orbs.
所有黃裝的回血MOD被BUFF,現存最高的等級是每秒回20血,可以用Divine orbs去洗。
: When used on a belt, Essence of Insanity now grants 10% increased Movement
: Speed during any Flask effect, up from 5%.
: Atlas-only item basetypes can no longer be found in Vaal Side Areas.
: Unique Item Balance
: Atziri's Acuity: No longer instantly leeches Life from critical strikes, and
: instead grants Vaal Pact if you have dealt a Critical Strike Recently. This
: does not affect existing versions of the item. See the Passive Tree Changes
: section for more information regarding changes to Vaal Pact.
: Witchfire Brew: Now creates a Despair curse aura on use. This affects all
: versions of the item.
: Doomfletch: Now adds 100% of Physical Damage as Damage of a random Element
: (down from 110%). No longer has increased Critical Strike Chance, and instead
: has (12-16) to (20-24) added Physical Damage. Divining an existing Doomfletch
: will change the added physical damage and the added damage of a random
: element, but will not remove the critical strike chance.
: Doomfletch's Prism: Now adds 100% of Physical Damage as Damage of each
: Element (down from 110%). This change can be divined.
: Kongming's Stratagem: No longer creates a smoke cloud when a socketed trap is
: triggered. Instead, grants the "Fog of War" skill, which creates a smoke
: cloud when any of your traps are triggered. This skill has a cooldown.
Kongming's Stratagem的煙霧雲原本是裝備在上面的陷阱觸動才會產生,現在改成所有裝
: Lion's Roar: Now only grants knockback to melee attacks during flask effect.
Lion's Roar只有水瓶效果下,近戰攻擊才會擊退。
: Lycosidae: Chance to drop from monsters has been greatly reduced. This item
: was being used on a significant portion of melee characters across all levels
: as an extremely cheap way to get around accuracy requirements.
: Bisco's Collar: Chance to drop from monsters has been greatly reduced.
Bisco's Collar掉落率大大的降低。
: Queen of the Forest: Now has 200 to 240% increased Evasion Rating (down from
: 240 to 380%). This change can be divined. The movement speed bonus this item
: can provide has been capped at 100% for all versions. Changes to evasion
: basetypes in The Fall of Oriath both pushed the evasion rating of this item
: too high, and took the movement speed this item granted to extremes.
: Rise of the Phoenix: Maximum Fire Resistance granted has been reduced to 5%
: (from 8%). Life regeneration has been increased to 15 to 20 per second (from
: 6). These changes can be divined. New versions now also grant 40 to 60 Life
: (this cannot be divined).
: Omen on the Winds: Now allows Ice Shot to pierce 3 additional targets (down
: from 5). This can be divined.
Omen on the Winds現在讓冰箭穿透3個目標(以前5)。
: The Dancing Dervish: While Manifest Dancing Dervish is active, the Dancing
: Dervish now has a 25% chance to grant you a Rampage kill when it hits a
: unique enemy. The minion created by this unique can no longer cross
: unwalkable gaps. These changes affect all versions of the item.
這個啟動的時候,打橘色怪物會有25%機會發動RAMPAGE KILL,而這怪招換的小兵無法
: The Pandemonius: The chilling effect now slows enemies by 30% when you are
: hit (up from 10%). These changes affect all versions of the item.
The Pandemonius的冰冷效果提升到30%(以前10%)。
: The Baron: Now adds half of your Strength to your Minions (rather than all of
: your strength). This affects all versions of the item.
The Baron增加你腳色一半的力量給你的招換物(以前是全部)。
: Dead Reckoning: Now correctly replaces a number of Skeleton Warriors with
: Skeleton Mages when using Vaal Summon Skeletons.
當使用招換瓦爾骷髏的時候,Dead Reckoning現在會招換幾個骷髏法師代替骷髏戰士。
: Death's Oath: Now properly updates its behaviour when items, passives or
: skills change it in some way.
Death's Oath改變行為模式(沒說啥)。
: Auxium: Clarified that Freeze Duration (not Effect) is based on Energy
: Shield. The functionality has not changed.
澄清 Auxium冰冷時間是依照護盾。只是修改說明。
: Monster Balance
: New monsters have been added to areas all throughout Wraeclast and Oriath,
: including newer, more difficult versions of the Parasites found throughout
: Acts 6 and 7, and Kitava-fied versions of the Blackguards found throughout
: Act 5.
ACT6 7加入 寄生蟲,ACT5加入X王版本的黑衛士。
: The number of monsters found in areas throughout the campaign has been
: adjusted, and the number of monsters found throughout the game should be more
: consistent across multiple instances. This particularly affects The Old
: Fields, The Vaal Ruins, The Sewers, The Marketplace, The Battlefront, The
: Ebony Barracks and The Crystal Veins, but is not strictly limited to those
: areas.
: The following unique monsters are no longer Immune to Freeze, and instead
: have a minimum action speed that they will be set to if they are frozen: The
: Shaper, Guardian of the Chimera, Guardian of the Minotaur, Guardian of the
: Hydra, Guardian of the Phoenix, Vision of Justice, The Goddess, Argus,
: Abaxoth, the End of All That Is, Haast, Unrelenting Frost, Atziri, Queen of
: the Vaal, Vessel of the Vaal, Atziri's Devoted, K'aj A'alai, K'aj Y'ara'az,
: K'aj Q'ura, A'alai, Y'ara'az, Q'ura, Tormented Temptress.
: Monsters which trigger skills based on the damage they take can now trigger
: those skills from taking damage over time.
: Infested monsters that can spawn parasites when slain now grant increased
: experience and drops when shattered or exploded, to compensate for them not
: releasing their parasites on death.
: Shield Crabs now give additional experience if destroyed before they would
: unleash their final form.
: Crimson Scholars also give additional experience if shattered.
Crimson Scholars被冰碎會額外給經驗。
: Monster mods "Reflects Physical Damage" and "Reflects Elemental Damage" have
: been reworked. They now appear as Nemesis mods. Attacking a monster with
: Physical or Elemental Reflect now triggers a mortar spell targeted at your
: location. This spell has a cooldown.
: Both versions of Reflect now only appear on Nemesis rare monsters.
: The effects created by Flame Bearer, Frost Bearer and Storm Bearer Bloodlines
: monsters now appear more quickly and should be more clearly visible.
: The Ryslatha fight in Act 6 has been significantly changed: Ryslatha's eggs
: now explode and create damaging patches on the ground, and Ryslatha herself
: is much more mobile. The monsters spawned by her pods are possessed by more
: difficult Parasites. Ryslatha herself is now immune to Knockback.
: The Lightning Thorns skill (used by the Blackguard Mages as well as others)
: no longer deals a flat amount of reflected Lightning damage to attackers.
: Instead, it triggers a nova of lightning projectiles with a short cooldown.
: The parasite infesting Hollowskull, the Willing Host is now called
: Encephalophage.
: Encephalophage can now Leap Slam.
承上,那個招出來的怪會LEAP SLAM。
: Parasites that drop off of slain monsters will now match their host's rarity.
: Riptide now better signals when it will use its dangerous skills, and creates
: fewer vortexes.
: Captain Arteri and Captain Aurelianus can now drop items