每po都有新貨上架,請持續關注:) 新貨到:
*YSL M7 Oud Absolu M7 (沒藥烏木的剛柔並濟)(特價一周)
*解放橘郡 Tom of Finland 芬蘭湯姆 (被一雙結實的手臂環抱)(特價一周)
*解放橘郡 Putain des Palaces青樓煙女
*FM Musc Ravageur 狂戀麝香 (轉頭度超高的中性香草麝香)
*FM Portrait of a Lady 女人肖像畫(誕生於小說中的廣藿香料玫瑰)
*FM Eau de Magnolia 玉蘭之水 (仲夏午后微風中一抹清香)
照片: http://imgur.com/5tRxKSK
香水品項/容量/價格 (價格含青山玻璃噴瓶/最新發文為準) (清單4/2剛更新)
1. Rose Privee by 阿蒂仙/噴管 1.5ml $100照片: http://imgur.com/hzFvqT7
2. Nuit Etoilee by Annick Goutal/噴管1.75 $100照片: http://imgur.com/OfySxMJ
3. TOM FORD Noir EDP /噴管 1.5ml $100照片: http://imgur.com/v2gJVJS
4. fresh life by fresh/噴管 1.6ml $100照片: http://imgur.com/n0qAOuH
5. Hesperides by fresh/噴管 1.6ml $100照片: http://imgur.com/PZ4T3PF
6. Lazy Sunday Morning by Margiela 1.5ml $120照片: http://imgur.com/jbVnZ27
7. Ambre Imperial by VCA/含黑絨繫繩小袋2ml $180照片: http://imgur.com/udmRT9k
8. Classic Lime和 No.89 by Floris/沾式 2ml $ 50照片: http://imgur.com/sJSjbIa
9. Lily&Spice by潘海利根/沾式 1.5ml $80照片: http://imgur.com/JfA70v2
10.茶花女 by 作家花園/沾式 2ml $120照片: http://imgur.com/15x6VhY
11.Jasmin Rouge TOM FORD嫣魅茉莉/噴管1.5ml $200照片: http://imgur.com/fvf3hTt
12.Oud Wood TOM FORD 烏木木/噴管 1.5ml $200照片: http://imgur.com/xh7LsTk
13.ODIN 02 OWARI 葡萄柚2號伯爵茶/噴管1.5ml $ 80照片: http://imgur.com/hw7cDxu
14.Narciso Rodriguez for her EDT/噴管0.8ml $ 50照片: http://imgur.com/ZYSp7nC
15.MFK Oud Velvet Mood/噴管 2ml $250照片: http://imgur.com/PLBDA82
16.MFK Lumiere Noire Femme黑暗之光/噴管2ml $200照片: http://imgur.com/yDZ7ZuE
17.MFK APOM Homme我心有你/噴管 2ml $200照片: http://imgur.com/vCMeO8h
18.Lys 41 by Le Labo/噴管 1.5ml $200
19.影中之水EDT by Diptyque/噴管 2ml $ 90
20.杜桑EDP by Diptyque/噴管 2ml $120
[入門niche作品]好簡單區 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Bentley Intense for Men EDP 10ml $290 (蘭姆焚香餘韻,媲美Idole)
Potion Royal Black 皇家黑玫 10ml $300 (焚香醉玫瑰木頭)
Royal Platinum by Charriol 皇家白金 10ml $250 (烏木番紅花,琥珀溫底)
Narciso Rodriguez for Him 10ml $250 (雅痞廣藿花麝香,MFK經典男香)
Old Spice Original 1938年經典 10ml $300 (醛香康乃馨)
Escentric Molecules 01 一號分子 10ml $400 (神奇分子,放大穿者香氛)
Bergamotto Marino Ferre 海藍佛手柑 10ml $380 (佛手柑蜜瓜,媲美B22,停產)