lithe (未)
2016-01-22 06:20:47Pisces horoscope for Jan 22 2016
Have you been feeling stressed over a financial matter, Pisces? It may be that
you are in over your head in some way, or that you simply wish to do better s
o that you don't have money pressures bogging you down and keeping you from do
ing what you want to do in your life. If your finances are causing you to worr
y, then you have to recognize that worrying is unproductive. The only way to d
eal with whatever is holding you back is to be logical and proactive. Write do
wn all the details, and come up with a constructive plan for fixing it. Seek o
ut assistance if you must. You can make your life more abundant and financiall
y rewarding if you begin to take charge.