[運勢] 07/29 The Daily Horoscope

作者: lithe (未)   2016-07-29 01:33:37
Pisces horoscope for Jul 29 2016
You may want to resolve an argument now Pisces, but if you let your anger
lead you, it can only go in the wrong direction. If you truly want to get to
the heart of the problem, and your goal is to understand and then fix
whatever is wrong, then an outburst will take you away from that objective.
Losing your temper will cause everyone to be on edge, and anyone who may be
willing to discuss the situation will clam up. Approach the problem honestly,
calmly, and respectfully, and you stand a good chance of making things right.
作者: dt0312 (在蔚藍之中翱翔)   2016-07-29 07:46:00
作者: tinyyu (迷你建築魂)   2016-07-29 08:36:00
超準 在改善中QQ
作者: yishi315 (yishi)   2016-07-29 08:46:00
作者: reoawt (蒼幻影)   2016-07-29 09:12:00
作者: sunnyegg0312   2016-07-29 09:46:00
作者: Deepercat (蒼)   2016-07-29 10:33:00
作者: bluesky30632 (藍天微光)   2016-07-29 10:35:00
作者: monica0968 (又過了好久時間)   2016-07-29 10:53:00
準~閉上嘴巴已經來不及= =反省中!
作者: Keyblade (安安你好)   2016-07-29 13:07:00
作者: specileid (鎖心)   2016-07-29 14:09:00
還好我爆發完了 QQ 不然不可收拾
作者: amy1985014 (若葉)   2016-07-29 17:48:00
都不尊重我 的人,我還尊重她?!

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