[運勢] 06/19 Daily Horoscope

作者: peace305 (Solar)   2019-06-18 23:45:50
It took millions of years for weather and climate conditions to create
what is now known as Yellowstone National Park. The rivers, the canyons
and other natural wonders - that splendorous spectacle certainly didn't
occur overnight. And although it evolved daily and continues to evolve
every day, you can't see those changes taking place with the naked eye.
But change is constant. You are evolving and changing too, Pisces. Unlike
Yellowstone, though, you have control over how you grow. Keep that in
mind today as you face a challenging circumstance that holds great
potential for you.
作者: dt0312 (在蔚藍之中翱翔)   2019-06-18 23:53:00
作者: wendyyang   2019-06-19 21:43:00
作者: puresummer (著實心跳)   2019-06-19 23:57:00
作者: Deepercat (蒼)   2019-06-20 02:26:00

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