As you enter into the month of August, a family rift or a disagreement with
a very close friend may be on your mind. Will this be the month that everyth
ing can fall into place and you can proceed ahead to a happy new beginning?
That may be possible, Pisces, but it will depend on how you go about filling
a chasm that has appeared between you and admitting that you may have had s
ome role in it. This may involve your association with someone else who othe
rs don't approve of or your choice to do something that does not have a wide
spread agreement. You shouldn't change your goals, but you may want to chang
e your approach to reaching those goals. Whatever you do, be honest with you
rself about what is truly best for you, rather than compensating to get seco
nd best. There may be an intriguing offer that comes to you in August. This
may seem like a shortcut to material gain, but remember that something that
looks too good to be true often is. Don't jump in based on wild dreams and f
antasies. Back up the decision you make with objective research to be sure y
ou aren't going to be scorched by a bad decision. You may also want to inves
tigate the trustworthiness of anyone else who may be involved. You may be gi
ving someone mixed signals in a romantic situation. Although your goal may b
e to express an important message, you may not realize that you aren't being
very clear. A heart-to-heart talk should settle things in a happy way.