Many people may think about the life of a retired racehorse, as one of luxur
y and pampering. You might imagine they lead a fabulous life, surrounded by
trophies and set out to hundreds of acres of lush green pasture when they re
tired. The reality for most racehorses is very different though. Similarly,
you may have glamorized something that you want to aspire to, Pisces. You ma
y have spent time working toward a goal related to what you have glamorized.
But the reality of what you want and what you will get may not at all refle
ct what you have been imagining. This week, you may gain a look into this th
at will be surprising, but you need to count this as a blessing. It could sa
ve you a lot of heartache down the road. An unexpected visitor or the appear
ance of a windfall could bring joy to your life late in the week. You may al
so be able to look forward to a few additional happy surprises over the week