ntbi (口屋~)
2020-05-28 09:41:07Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." That quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson is very representative of you, Pisces. You are a trailblazer and a trendsetter. You think differently from most people. Yet sometimes, you feel compelled to follow someone else's more conventional path. You don't like to be criticized, and blazing your own trail can lead to that. But the glory that can also come from that is incredibly uplifting. You may have a chance today to forge
your own path. Do so proudly.
「開創自己的路,而不是跟著別人走」。Ralph Waldo Emerson的名言完全就是在說你,雙魚座。你是一個開拓者,也是個引領潮流的人。你的想法一向與眾不同。當然啦!有些時候你被迫跟隨其他人的一般作法。你不想遭受批評,但當你走自己的路時就會發生這種事。但是,當你走在自己的路上,難以置信且振奮人心的榮耀將隨之而來。今天,你可能有機會建造屬於自己的道路。請自信地開始吧!
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