bestsp (法碧雷)
2020-06-20 11:07:38Are we born with our talents, or do we develop them out of a passion for a cer
tain interest? It could probably happen either way, Pisces, especially for som
eone born as Pisces. When you discover something you find interesting, you div
e into it wholeheartedly learning and immersing yourself in it fully. If you a
re now questioning whether you have enough talent in a particular area to purs
ue a related goal, stop wondering. If you love it enough, then the answer shou
ld naturally be yes. Even natural-born talent can and should be honed and refi
ned with time and dedication. If it is calling you, follow it.
可能兩者都是吧! 特別是雙魚們,當你發現你對某事感興趣,就會全心投入、埋頭學習。
夠的話,答案就是肯定的! 透過時間的推移和投入的程度,天生的能力可以再被磨練、改