[運勢] 7/2 Daily Horoscope

作者: bestsp (法碧雷)   2020-07-02 08:29:19
No matter how hard you try to hide what you are feeling, your lovely expressiv
e face often gives away your emotions, dear Pisces. It isn't something you do
consciously; it comes naturally to you. That's why you sometimes need to be co
nscious of what you are conveying. There are times when it is best to keep you
r thoughts and feelings hidden until the right time - especially when there ma
y be someone who could take advantage of you. Be extra careful to observe quie
tly and collect information from what you see today. When you think you have a
handle on an evolving situation, then you can express what you are feeling.
作者: Wing1984 (Wing1984)   2020-07-02 08:41:00
作者: iort (走走走~)   2020-07-02 08:56:00
作者: cvoa1026 (貓兒小朵)   2020-07-02 09:01:00
謝謝 管理好情緒
作者: dt0312 (在蔚藍之中翱翔)   2020-07-02 09:52:00
作者: Deepercat (蒼)   2020-07-02 12:00:00
作者: yun0615ch (阿毛毛)   2020-07-02 12:29:00
最近公司氣氛詭譎 唉心累

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