這個充滿哲學的問題今天或許適用在你身上,雙魚。但問題是這樣的:如果你堅持了一段時間、努力走了一段很長的路,也將這件事做得很棒,但並沒有人在旁邊讚美你,或是承認你的才華,對著你說你真的很棒等等... 這樣你也算做得很好嗎?
Pisces horoscope for Mar 21 2021
When a tree falls in the forest, and there is no one there to see it fall, does it still make a sound? That philosophical question may apply to you today, Pisces. But the question goes like this: If you do exceptional, stellar work today, but there is no one there to reassure you, praise you, and recognize your talents out loud, are you still talented, and did you still do an exceptional job? Yes, of course you did! Remain confident today. Be your own cheering gallery if need be.