對於PS4 PRO為何這麼缺,何時可正常供貨,重點是「為什麼」,跟一個可得知的答案。
吉田修平:PS4 Pro銷量很好,玩家需求大於預期
近日,SIE全球工作室負責人吉田修平公開表示,目前PS4 Pro的全球銷售形勢非常良好
PS4 Pro帶來體驗,以後索尼工作的一大重點就是幫助廠商們繼續挖掘PS4 Pro的機能,敬
Sony Boss Confirms PS4 Pro Is‘Selling Very Well’
Nearly a month has passed since the PS4 Pro made its debut. The new system is
Sony’s mid-generation upgrade to its original PS4, which launched in 2013.
Many are very interested in PS4 Pro sales figures, but until now, there has
yet to be any official word given on how it is performing.
Sony is seeing positive sales results from PlayStation VR and apparently the
same is true of PS4 Pro. Sony executive Shuhei Yoshida spoke about how PS4
Pro has been selling since its November launch.
“Yes, it’s selling very well. We were hoping that people who purchased a
PS4 day one would upgrade to PS4 Pro, and people who have a 4K TV would see
it as their console of choice.
“We need more time to analyze the situation, but it seems that more people
who are buying PS4 for the first time are choosing PS4 Pro. I think that’s
driving a larger demand than we had anticipated. In many markets it’s sold
out and hard to find,” Yoshida told DigitalSpy.
Many retailers across the world have been selling out of PS4 Pro systems. The
hardware is clearly in demand, but to what extent is what is unknown.
Assuming manufacturing of the Pro was at the quantity that the original PS4
received in 2013, then PS4 Pro is selling incredibly well. On the other hand,
if less systems were manufactured, then PS4 Pro selling out is less impressive.
1.PS4 PRO賣得很好在全世界多個地方都缺貨。
3.如果pro產能數量足有可能跟ps4 2013首發時一樣熱銷。