※ 引述《yoyo93215 (大五)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《kokokko416 (百合凝望)》之銘言:
: : 台灣軟體分級機構新增PS4版《流亡黯道(Path of Exile)》,目前本作已在PC與XboxOne
: : 平台推出,而官方並沒有正式宣布過PS4版推出計畫。
: : https://i.imgur.com/BKNNXHp.jpg
: 今天官方正式確認了
: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrQyaXtVsAA3gts.jpg
: 推特:https://twitter.com/pathofexile/status/1059533041993867264
: Youtube宣傳片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgS4mhLsypY
: 免費遊玩,付費買倉庫格、角色格跟Skin等等
: 預計今年12月上PS4
: 既然都在台灣審查了,應該是會上台帳啦,不過有沒有中文就不好說了
When we announced Path of Exile for PlayStation 4 earlier this month, we
indicated we were aiming for a December release. Unfortunately, we have had
to revise this to early February. We are extremely sorry for the
inconvenience this causes, because we know there are many players looking
forward to this release.
We underestimated the amount of work it would take to finish the
certification process during the busy Christmas period. While we hope to have
everything ready in January, we feel a lot more comfortable promising early
February as a target release window. This will also give us time to work on
game performance/frame rate, which we feel could be improved before release.
Again, we're very sorry about this. We understand that many PlayStation users
were keen to play Betrayal over Christmas and have been eagerly awaiting
release date news. We promise that Path of Exile will be awesome on
PlayStation 4 when it is released early next year.