※ 引述《superRKO (挖洗RKO)》之銘言:
: https://youtu.be/r1HbGf2R7yk
: DF這次做了1.0.4版更新後的三機比對
: 蠻有趣的是
: PS5更新後 效能降低了
While there's broad consensus that the performance situation is much improved
on Xbox Series X,
another narrative has emerged suggesting that the PlayStation 5 version now
runs worse than it did.
但又出現了另一種說法,表明PlayStation 5版本現在的運行情況比以前差。
To clear this one up straight away, we could only find one example of this
actually being the case -
the introductory cutscene takes an occasional, small drop to frame-rate we
didn't see in our first test.
In every other stress test we have, PlayStation 5 runs at the same frame-rate
with the same dynamic
resolution result as it did previously.
在我們進行的所有其他壓力測試中,PlayStation 5以相同的幀速運行,並具有與以前相
: XSX更新後 效能提升了
All versions of Assassin's Creed Valhalla support dynamic resolution scaling,
adjusting the amount of pixels drawn on a per-frame basis in order
to hit the target frame-rate. At launch, the 'window' of potential
resolutions for both consoles scaled from 1440p at the lowest to circa 1728p
at the highest - 67 per cent to 80 per cent of full 4K resolution on both
axes. This remains the case for the PlayStation 5 version of the game,
but lower bounds for Series X has reduced to 1188p - 55 per cent of full 4K.
To be clear, Series X will only tap into these newly introduced lower
resolutions when it has to. For the majority of play, pixel counts are
considerably higher.
: XSS就... 依舊是那個XSS
It's a welcome addition to the Series S version, demonstrating that there was
plenty of CPU overhead available -
enough to run the game flat out at full 60fps - but the question is whether
the reduced four teraflop GPU can keep up.
By and large, the answer there is positive, but there are clear caveats.
First of all, resolution takes a big hit:
the dynamic resolution window opens up, with a lower bounds of just 720p,
often running around that resolution or up to circa 800p
during typical gameplay.
: 我說育碧阿,眾生平等也不是這樣搞的吧