Re: [情報] 《往日不再》賣出8百萬套,索尼高層依然

作者: badgreen (迦樓羅)   2022-01-07 13:03:52
They said a lot on that podcast.
- Bend was not forced to do anything Uncharted/TLOU related as the Bloomberg a
rticle said.
- As Bend grew from their tiny 30 dev team to a AAA studio with 100+ people ne
eded for the development of Days Gone, quite a bit of tension grew between the
original members and the new talent coming in.
- The creative leads for Days Gone did not see eye to eye with some folks at u
pper management at their own studio.
- Bend itself (management), did not push Days Gone 2 to Sony, Ross was not aim
ing the tweet at SIE itself, but at Sony Bend Management and Producers.
The whole Bend situation was just a mess of Days Gone not being received well,
the devs not wanting to follow the Bend creative management due to them not b
eing nice to work with and Sony not being happy with Bend management either.
Either way, it looks like Bend is in a better place now that Ross and Garvin a
re gone, wish it worked out well for them but they needed to make concessions
which they weren't willing to do.
But with all these tweets and stuff by Ross it just looks like he is salty tha
t he got kicked out of his studio by both the devs and Sony. At least Garvin w
as humble enough to state that he did have problems to the point that Sony off
ered him training and help, even though it didn't work out requiring him to be
let go.
Edit: Ross also said that the sale numbers are based on gamstat (a website tha
t uses trophy data to estimate sale figures) with PC numbers coming from Steam
Spy, he never had access to actual sale data, so that does throw the 8 million
number into question.
作者: badgreen (迦樓羅)   2022-01-07 13:08:00
作者: wasimean (玉米)   2022-01-07 13:08:00
企業不會跟錢對幹!! 我覺得不少幹過啊
作者: badgreen (迦樓羅)   2022-01-07 13:09:00
作者: xsc (頹廢的敗家子)   2022-01-07 13:09:00
會不會跟錢對幹我不知道 不會跟___對幹我可以保證
作者: badgreen (迦樓羅)   2022-01-07 13:10:00
神:love me or hate me!!!
作者: loveyourself (苦工)   2022-01-07 13:14:00
Jeff 原始那篇文其實很酸葡萄,對馬好好的慶祝被拿去做文章。
作者: badgreen (迦樓羅)   2022-01-07 13:20:00
作者: oo2830oo (★㊣↖煞气a猴仔↘㊣☆)   2022-01-07 13:22:00
沒計畫其實不就是沒想認真經營這個作品嗎 作者失望正常
作者: badgreen (迦樓羅)   2022-01-07 13:25:00
作者: SouKazuho (Objection!!!!噗)   2022-01-07 13:31:00
作者: badgreen (迦樓羅)   2022-01-07 13:34:00
真實的銷售數字只有真 高層 才知道,之前戰神的總監也說他其實也不知道銷售數字
作者: SouKazuho (Objection!!!!噗)   2022-01-07 13:36:00
所以他說Bend的管理層沒有跟Sony推要Days Gone 2;Sony也沒有要Bend做TLOU Remake。那傳言是哪裡來的?彭博社的文,那不就是那個記者...Jeff什麼去了
作者: badgreen (迦樓羅)   2022-01-07 13:38:00
作者: SouKazuho (Objection!!!!噗)   2022-01-07 13:39:00
哦,是Jason Schreier 記者前一篇我就好奇他說的 local studio management 是把矛頭對準誰哩...
作者: robefrom (SABRE)   2022-01-07 15:06:00
作者: pokiman (勃起男)   2022-01-07 15:55:00
作者: god5204017 (鮪魚)   2022-01-07 16:28:00
作者: demon616 (傲慢憤怒貪婪)   2022-01-07 16:53:00
作者: yuugen2 (馬英丸)   2022-01-07 19:27:00
跟玩家對幹的後果就是跟錢對幹啊 光這幾年就不知道多少次了
作者: UtsuhoReiuzi (肥就是正義(‵‧ω‧′ ))   2022-01-08 19:14:00
你不管去哪講到索尼都是最2 好像只出過這款一樣

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