※ 引述《iamaq18c (我不是水電工阿鹹~)》之銘言:
: https://www.facebook.com/PokemonGO/posts/1011287702351121
: Trainers,
: As you might be aware, we’re currently testing a variation of the Nearby
: Pokémon feature in San Francisco, California. Starting today, we will be
: expanding the ability for Trainers in parts of Arizona, the Seattle area of
: Washington state, and the rest of the San Francisco Bay area to test this
: version of the feature. We will continue to review community feedback, make
: changes if necessary, and roll this feature out to more regions.
: The Pokémon GO team
你們可能有注意到, 我們正在舊金山測試變化版的Nearby功能. 從今天開始,
我們將擴大至亞歷桑納州的部分地區, 華盛頓州的西雅圖地區, 以及舊金山灣的
其他地區來測試它的功能. 我們會持續檢視社群回饋, 進行必要的修改, 並將此